Hey, friends! I'm just popping in this morning really quick then I've got to go play catch up for the rest of the day. I feel like since coming back from California (Memorial Day weekend and San Francisco weekend recaps) I've been trying to pretend I'm not behind but I feel like I keep slipping farther and farther behind. I usually do one day a week where I do the content planning and behind the scenes business stuff to stay organized. I didn't do that the last couple of weeks so that needs to happen today! Also, we decided while I was in California to put our house on the market and move from Gilbert into Tempe (for you non-Arizonians that means the suburbs back into town.) So the joys of moving begin....
At least Nala and I got a good 3 ish mile run in this morning...
Mr. Hungry made fun of my new headband, he said it was like a WWF woman's uniform. I like it, anything with a flag, I'm all about American Pride! I'm still not wearing my watch because I feel slow and that demotivates me to run, so no watch. After our run I had my favorite basic green smoothie:
Ugh, you guys buying/selling feels like being on a roller coaster that never ends. I need all the good vibes I can get! Obviously, no FB live today I've got to go get my life together and clean up the house and try to play nice with the world.... Holy H E double hockey sticks.... what day of the week is it? I think it's Monday, no wait, somebody get me a coffee STAT, a personal masseuse and a million dollars....
Sarah @ Bucket List Tummy says
I'm in need of a whole day for organization too. Congrats on the move though! How long has Nala been running with you? I need some tips about running with a puppy - she's 10 months and the biggest challenge to run with!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thanks girl! Today did not end up being as organized as I thought but that's okay! Here are my tips! https://hungryhobby.net/tips-running-dog/
Richard says
Sound like you are having a good week! Keep it up and sharing more about your activities. Love to hear 😀
Patrick@looneyforfood.com says
Good luck on the move and catch up!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thank you Patrick!
Patricia @Sweet and Strong says
It's always so hard to catch up after traveling! And on top of that you're buying/selling, yikes, good luck. I know it'll all be worth it in the long run.
Susie @ Suzlyfe says
Tell Nala to clean up and get organized. She has 4 paws to contribute, after all 😀
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Right?!?! Now she is at the kennels though!