Hi Friends! Happy New Year! I hope you had a really great time last night, whether that was partying all night or having a peaceful night at home, I hope it was wonderful!
We had plans to party but our friend John (you’ve seen him before he was a groomsmen in our wedding) got some sort of stomach bug! Ek! So we decided to have a date night at home with a little help from Whole Foods!

We watched two movies and celebrated with a bottle of champagne bought specially from wine tasting from our trip to the San Jose Area.

Mr. Hungry doing the honors at around 10pm!

Picture me trying to tell Mr. Hungry how to work the camera and what I want to get the above picture…
Spending a real date night with Mr. Hungry was amazing, we made a fun cheers to a new year. This might have been my favorite New Years Eve yet!
Thanks to my SIL Lizzie for giving me a tripod for Christmas so we could get this picture!
When I was at the gym I would spend a whole day setting goals with members for things like our 90 Day Challenge. Now, I still often help Hungry Hobby RD clients set short and long term goals. How you construct your goals can have a lot to do with how successful you are at achieving them. So, before we take a look at last years goals let’s discuss really quick what a SMART goal is.
This is the hardest one for me, when you are specific it means really nailing it down. It’s hard if you are unsure what you really want to do, or have many things you want to achieve. The best thing is to take a long term goal and break it down.
Numbers, numbers, numbers - if you can’t measure it you can’t really determine if you did it or not.
Do you have the resources (time, budget, support, knowledge) to be able to attain or achieve that goal?
Be honest with yourself on that one. How will it benefit you?
Put a time stamp on it!
Keeping in mind these parameters when you set your goals/New Years Resolutions can be really helpful in increasing your odds at succeeding. Last year I did a pretty good job at going easy on my New Years Resolutions. Looking back though, they failed some of the cardinal rules of SMART goal setting.
- Obtain my NASM Certified Personal Training Certification. —> Done. See this post!
- Run in at least one race semi-competitively (against myself). Ideally, a half marathon. I’m counting the 10K Turkey Race.
- Find ways to fit in relaxation either through meditation, sauna, reading etc…—-> sure I think I did this. This is a great example of how a goal is not measurable or timely.
- Become a Level 5 (highest level) Nutrition Coach at Life Time. Done!
- Continue to grow the little Hungry Hobby blog with quality content.—-> also not measurable or timely. I added about 20,000 page views from last year, last month was also my highest viewed month ever. However, the months previously were steadily dropping as I produced less and less content while I was working 13 hour shifts. So sure, I guess if you measure on terms of page views HH rallied at the end? How do you measure quality content though?
6 SMART Goals for 2016!
- Professional Development: Obtain my CSSD (Certified Sports Specialist in Dietetics.
- Attend at least one blogging specific conference (Last year I was accepted to Blog Brûlée and had to turn it down for financial reasons, this year if I’m accepted my hubby and I have set aside money for me to go. If not hat one then maybe blogher, fitbloggin or IDEA blogfest.)
- Run a half marathon (I’m gonna keep throwing it out there till I die or it happens. One or the other…)
- Fully learn how to use my new DSLR inside and out (I figure in reality this will probably take about a year.) Read the entire manual, take a food photography course (or buy new books).
- Focus on cleanliness/picking up after myself/ make it a habit… We will let Mr. Hungry be the judge of this. It has come to my realization that as an only first generation child my job was to get good grades and go to college. I’m not saying it’s wrong or right, but cleaning up after myself was not engrained into my head. I know it drives the hubby nuts, but if I’m being honest it kind of drives me nuts sometimes. I look around and I’m like how the heck do I have 15 coffee cups out right now all over the house? I want to work on that!
- Find ways to celebrate and partake in the Jubilee the Year of Mercy to deepen my faith and commitment to my spiritual health. Reflect monthly on what steps I took, maybe attend a retreat.
Past Years:
In case you missed it 15 most popular recipes, workouts and health tips in 2015!
What are your goals for 2016?
What are you most proud of during 2015?
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