You guys! I'm still so bummed I haven't figured out what's going on with my poor little blog. It's no mans land over here trying to get it to work, but I decided that won't stop me I'll just have to get creative with using old pictures and being very vivid so you can use your imagination. I know you guys are creative imaginative people 🙂 Anyways here is what I've got planned for this week:
- Smoothies
- Paleo Blueberry Peach Muffin (recipe as soon as I can get pictures to post!)--> check out instagram!
- Greek Yogurt--> loving Siggi's recently!
- Tuna Salad with carrots, cucumbers and mustard
- Grilled Chicken Salads
- Goat Cheese Quesadilla
I'm changing my schedule soon so I'm home at a reasonable time at least a couple days of the week allowing me to cook dinner again, I can't wait!
- Grilled Chicken and Grilled Vegetables (Trader Joe's)
- Chicken Sausage and Cauliflower (Grilled Trader Joe's frozen again)
- Shrimp Quesadilla? That sounds good 🙂
- Eggs --> when Mr. Hungry plays basketball (#foodsensitivities)
Sunday- Run 2.75 Miles
Monday- Legs
Tuesday- stairmaster or other LISS cardio
Wednesday- Abs and HIIT (run)
Thursday- Yoga and Walk
Friday Arms and HIIT (run)
Saturday OFF
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