Hi Friends! Remember that special project I was working on the other day while I was at FNCE? Remember when I said there was nothing like FNCE to give you a kick in the pants to pursue your dreams?
Well I'm so excited to finally announce to you the grand opening of my private practice found at www.hungryhobbyRD.com !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been building the website using wix.com for over 3 months, I've been tweaking and tweaking and tweaking for a while now. Finally, after meeting so many successful RD's in private practice at FNCE and in the Nutrition Entrepreneurs Dietetic Practice Group, I knew I had to just jump and press publish!
I went back and forth about the name of the website for SO LONG. Did I want to be KelliShallalRD or HungryHobbyRD? I finally made the decision to go with HungryHobbyRD simply because it's easier for people to remember. Shallal isn't the easiest to spell or say, anyone else marry into a harder name to pronounce?
Another thing I struggled with was whether I wanted my professional services and blog on one site or two separate sites. I looked at tons of other RD's sites and they seemed successful both ways. Ultimately I decided that my blog is above all a reflection of who I am as a person, not just Kelli the Dietitian. For that reason I decided to keep the Hungry Hobby LLC brand alive, but keep the blog separate. I may change that someday, but for now they will be separate.
Once I pressed publish, I geared up at FNCE with resources to help me provide the best evidence based services possible to my clients. Another book on my list would be Functional and Integrative Nutrition practice guide. I went to a session at FNCE that really interested me in finding out more about things like nutrigenomics and functional nutrition.
When I was in school I never dreamed that private practice would be something I would aspire to. However, over the last year it has become clear to me that helping others is a part of who I am. Just like if I miss a night blogging, I feel a void if the work I'm doing isn't meaningful and helpful to others. I know first hand that earning to live a healthy lifestyle is a journey of it's own that isn't always easy. It was a process for me to learn that healthy didn't mean restricting your calories and maintaining a certain weight. Now, healthy means fueling myself with food that will give me tons of energy and help me look and feel great. I started the blog because I wanted to share my attempt at finding a healthy balanced life. I'm starting a private practice because I want to be able to be there 150% to help clients achieve, reach, and exceed their goals. Whether that's breaking free of the dieting cycle, enhancing performance, figuring out food intolerances, or reversing chronic disease, I believe nutrition counseling should go beyond a standard layout. No two people's needs are the exact same and therefore nutrition counseling should be totally individualized. That's why it's become so important to me to open a private practice.
That's it for today!
PS Don't forget to enter yesterday's heart healthy cookbook giveaway, I'll announce the winner Saturday!
Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean says
congrats girl! very exciting!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thank you Lindsay! You are definitely an inspiration 🙂
Farrah says
Congrats! <3 That's incredible to hear! You're gonna be awesome! :]
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thank you so much!
Michaela says
Super exciting! I know how much work it is to start a private practice so kudos to you 🙂
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thank you so much!
Rachael@AnAvocadoADay says
Congratulations! Hard work but so worth it!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thank you Rachael!!!!!
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul says
Way to go girl!!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thank you!
Arman @ thebigmansworld says
Dude- CONGRATS!!!!!!