Hi, friends! First up, I realize yesterday's video may not have been working. It's fixed now so check it out!
Also in case, you want a recap up until this point:
First Trimester Pregnancy Recap
I hope every single one of you had a better weekend than me, really I do. It's funny to me because I prewrote this post before things took a turn for the worst Friday afternoon. It's crazy to me how fast things change in pregnancy. As you are about to read, the last couple of weeks have been pretty great. This past weekend, however, was not.
READ worst constant high-grade nausea of my life. Worst than when I had the stomach flu and food poisoning at the same time. Most of the weekend was spent sleeping or watching TV. I'm feeling a little more normal today as I sip on my ginger ale and bites of bagel this morning. Just in case though, things might get a bit sporadic on the blog this week if things continue to go as they did this past weekend. Thanks for hanging in there with me.
Baby Size:
Currently Missing:
Food Aversions:
Food Cravings:
Mostly positive, I felt like I was able to let myself get excited after everything went okay at the anatomy scan and I hit the halfway mark. (Still have not gotten the photos from them though.)
Medit says
You're doing great!