Well, that was a long week for a short week, aimiright? I mean I worked on Monday, and really all weekend to prep for my maternity leave so that's probably why it didn't feel short to me. But, having Mr. Hungry home on Monday to hang out with while I worked was nice. I'm starting to think maybe I'm doing just a little too much, like do I really need to work ahead all the way through Jan 1st? I just really really really want to be able to enjoy as much time with our little one as possible, it's definitely a catch 22.
In other news, I'm super excited because obviously, you guys are excited about the new WTE? Meal Plan format! A bunch of you signed up already and some of you opted in to try out the free week! Can't wait to get all of you started!
Now let's do the Friday thing!
Modified Bed Rest – so the exercise I’m getting is pretty minimal but I know it’s temporary! I'm going to ask my Doctor this week if she still thinks this is necessary.
I shared most of our weekend eating out adventures is my Labor Day Recap, so definitely check that out! As for what I've been eating at home, if you follow me on Instagram you know it's been a week of recipe of development! I made and photographed a fall salad with salmon, a sweet potato enchilada casserole, and a turkey chili! The first two are coming later this fall and the chili very soon!
And now.... my favorite part of Fridays! The random stuff I fell in love with this week!
First, up, this video sent to me by one of my good friends on facebook. Before you watch it you should probably know that my two favorite "kid movies" of all time are Walle and Ratatouille. I've watched it like 10 times, it's so freaking funny I can't handle it.
I should rename this section to "What I Ordered On Amazon This Week" #reallife #amazonisdangerous #don'ttakeitawayorI'lldie
My SIL in California turned me on to this dry shampoo (she had some in her cabinet I stoled when I was visiting) but then I had to use up what I had before I could order any more. One year later I finally got to order one and it's so much better than what I was using. I was using a free one I received at some conference that would like to blow the powder out and make everything super white. Ya...... Glad to have something more reliable since I'll probably be living in dry shampoo when the baby comes!
I've been drinking some hot coffee in the morning since I'm not walking the dog and working up a miserable sweat that makes me despise all things hot for the rest of the day. I found these swiss water decaf coffee pods which aren't super cheap but I like that they are swiss water process decaffeinated.
This one might seem like a random one but I definitely use flossers twice a day. My MIL ordered herself a refill while she was here and ordered these twin line flossers. Double the cleaning! I didn't even know there was such a thing!
Not much I saved from around the web this week. But in case you have any leftover zucchini, definitely check out this recipe roundup!
Friday Flashback
Metabolic Finisher Workout
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