Hi, friends! In case you need to get caught up, here is a list of HH posts you may have missed this week:
- Pumpkin Oat Four Bread (with VIDEO!)
- What No One Told Me About Breastfeeding Weaning
- Are Starbucks Breakfast Sandwiches Healthy?
And if you are a meal plan subscriber, your meal plan should be in your inbox!
Are you ready for Christmas? Hahaha ha ha ha SO GLAD Baby K is only one, NO PRESSURE! Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to tell him all about Santa and all the things, but for now, it's easy. Presents are wrapped and sitting out because he is one and doesn't know! It's the best!
The Shallal's have had a rough week, Mr. Hungry got a CONCUSSION playing basketball Tuesday morning - had to have a catscan to ensure he didn't have any brain bleeding. So he's been sleeping for literally two days (he's okay I've checked on him) but oh man. Our extended family has been unable to visit us because they've been hunkered down, not feeling great.
I finally caught whatever the baby and Mr. Hungry had, but I'm not a man, so I'll be okay with some Sudafed and lots of water. #mancoldsareworsethanchildbirth
It's been crazy, though! Hoping things calm down in time for Christmas! Can you relate?
Pretty proud of my Christmas pancakes I made last weekend! Baby K was not impressed and didn't like the pancakes! I don't really either (too mushy I prefer waffles), so more for Mr. Hungry!
A while ago, the folks at Daily Harvest sent me a few of their smoothies and harvest bowls to try out. I stuck them in the back freezer and forgot about them when we started the kitchen reno. Yesterday though, I pulled a harvest bowl out to try.
I microwaved it for four minutes while I pan-fried some eggs to throw on top for protein.
It was freaking DELICIOUS, and it took less than 5 minutes to make, including clean up! I was surprised the texture wasn't mushy even though it went from freezer to microwave, I HATE soft food!
I could get used to that easy and healthy lunch, that's for sure! The folks at Daily Harvest are offering HH readers $25 bucks off their first box if you want to try it too, use my link here! (Affiliate)
Other meals this week included my beef and broccoli stir fry (which I shared on my IG stories and Tik Tok) and pan-fried cod in butter! I also had tons of oat flour pumpkin bread, Starbucks feta wraps, and toast with nut butter!
I needed a bigger space for toys in the living room, so I bought this storage thing. I wish it were closed (instead of open bins) but, so far, I like it a lot. Anything that doesn't fit in it goes in Baby K's room!
PS How much longer can I call him Baby K? I might have to switch to KJ soon!
(I don't care if you guys know his name or Mr. Hungry's name, I use "nicknames" to protect them or the future employers from searching themselves and finding their photos and names all over the internet. It isn't perfect, but it does reduce the results when Mr. Hungry searches his name. On IG, you may occasionally hear me call them by their real names there!)
The picture above was taken after I squeezed in a quick Aaptiv upper body workout. Working out on the weekend is hard and not easy to fit in, especially when the baby and Mr. Hungry weren't feeling great, but I needed it!
I'm happy to report that Baby K is doing much better in the gym daycare, so I'm thinking I'm going to sign up for their 6-week challenge starting on Jan. 6th. Unfortunately, that means I have to take a 2-week break, but I doubt I'll go that much during the holidays anyway.
Where have I been going? Burn Boot Camp! I took pictures of the workouts I went to this week so you guys can get a feel for the type of workout. Although I got great results from working out at home the past year, I was ready to be challenged a bit more, and the BBC has done that.
Friday (12/13) - OFF - Walk around the zoo a bunch with a friend!
Sat (12/14) - Aaptiv Affirmative Arms Workout
Sun (12/15) - Outdoor Run with Aaptiv and my favorite running buddy!
Mon (12/16) - OFF
Tues (12/17) - Bodyweight Conditioning at BBC
(our group didn't get to the station 3 exercises)
Wed (12/18) - Upper Body at BBC
Thurs (12/19) - OFF
Making two things this weekend!
(Healthier) Cranberry Bliss Bars
Gluten-Free Apple Crisp with oatmeal topping - MY FAVORITE DESSERT EVER
Krista Phillips says
I just bought your Meal Plan for Weight Loss book and can't wait to get started. The cover photo looks yummy but I can't figure out the recipe name. Is it combination of two (or more) recipes? Thanks so much!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
So happy to hear that! It's the chopped rainbow Mediterranean salad on page 40!