Happy Friday friends! If you are still looking for recipes this weekend make sure you check out my spring brunch healthy recipe round up! Lot's of good ideas in that post! Don't forget you can also filter recipes in my recipe index by ingredients, dietary needs, cooking method, and meal type.
Now for a little taste of what spring looks like in Arizona...
This week I ate steel cut oats all week, made in the Instant Pot. I love steel cut oats so much more than regular oats. I don't know why but I think the taste, consistency, and texture is just better! I think it's time the little man had some oatmeal don't you think? He sure looks interested in it!
I looked forward to my lunches all week thanks to the paleo marinade challenge from WTE? Meal Plans. I had fajita chicken bowls topped with avocado! Delicious! I also ate my fair share of plantain chips on the side (Trader Joe's brand.)
I'm also working on a new recipe I tested out this week for the second time, sheet pan cauliflower gnocchi! It was so easy and so tasty, I'll have to do an official photoshoot soon now that I've got the time down. The first time I made them, they weren't quite browned enough, so they didn't have that crispiness you get when sauteeing them, but this time I nailed it!
Finally, my favorite meal of the week was this hummus platter, a WTE? Meal Plans recipe exclusive. Seriously planning on making this one again over the weekend, it was that good!
This week I switched from the 10K training treadmill program to the 5K program on Aaptiv and I feel GREAT about that decision. I just felt like the 10K training program was too much for my body just yet. The 5K training workouts average 25-35 minutes compared to 35-55 minutes with the 10K training, which is so much more manageable. Doing the 2 weeks of the 10K training helped me with my endurance though, I'm able to push the speed more on the shorter workouts which feels great.
As for strength training, I decided to follow Brandon's metabolic program loosely. Here is the thing about strength training; if you do random workouts, you will get random results. So, I decided to follow a template to help me get the best results because lord knows I don't have hours to spend in the gym anymore.
Friday (4/12) - 30 Minute Treadmill workout
Saturday (4/13) -
5 minute warm up on the rower
3 Sets
- 10 goblet squats
- 8 bicep curls
- 6 pullovers
4 sets
- 6 Bulgarian squats
- 4 cross over step ups
- 6 DB Press sequences (single, single, double)
5 Sets
- 5 EZ bar rows
- 10 lat pulls the resistance band
- 10 chin pull downs resistance band
- 10 box jumps
Sunday (4/14) - OFF
Monday (4/15) - 2.25 mile treadmill Aaptiv Run
Tuesday (4/16) -
5-minute rower warm up
6 Rounds
- 10 squat to upright row (regular squats on odd rounds, sumo squat on even rounds)
- 4 push up to renegade row to Burpee
- Six overhead press
2 rounds
- 8 hammer curls
- 8 rear delt flys
- 8 tricep extension overhead
- 8 front to side shoulder raises
Wednesday (4/17) -3.0-mile treadmill aaptiv tempo run
It was a warm-up followed by 8 minutes of endurance running with walking in between.
Thursday (4/18) - OFF
So cool...
Have a wonderful weekend friends, see you Monday!
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