Hello friends!
I know I've missed several Friday Favorites in a row. Without them, the blog doesn't feel like the blog. Blogging has changed a lot since I started the blog over a decade ago, and while every post used to be a chance to connect with my readers, it isn't like that nowadays. Friday Favorites help keep the personal in the personal blog, without them it can kind of feel like Hungry Hobby is a place I just post recipes. The recipes that I love, but still just recipes. So, needless to say, I'm prioritizing and bringing Friday Favorites back!
Honestly, last month, I kind of felt like a chicken running around with my head cut off. Every time I turned around, I was headed in a new direction, trying to complete my mom and work tasks without any real organization. I sat down and started mapping out my week. I got up an hour earlier (around 4-430AM), including on the weekends.
I tried to prioritize productivity versus getting sucked into hours of email each day. I finally felt like I was in a groove, using those early morning hours for content production. Then the kids got the stomach flu, and everything turned on its head, of course, at the worst possible time. While I'm SO grateful the kids got the bug the weekend/early on in the week, and it was only a 24-hour thing so that KJ can still enjoy his birthday this weekend, it's still a lot.
Recently, I've really been looking at the amount of time I have to work, and I've realized and accepted that I can not do it all. I've let go of some work tasks (like hiring help with social media editing/posting) and some mom tasks (like having my sitter help with pick up/drop off.) It both kills me and frees me when I let go of things. It's not an easy process. Ultimately, I'm lucky to have the freedom and flexibility to do that.
It's going to be a busy weekend around here! We have grandparents in from Arizona, the cousins are hanging out, we have soccer finals, a birthday party, and fishing all on the agenda! Hope you guys have a great weekend.
Let's do the favorites thing!
Around the Blog
Instagram Hits:
FREE CEUs for Dietitians
If you are a Dietitian still looking for CEUs after FNCE, don't forget that my friend Melissa, who does the Sound Bites Nutrition podcast, has over 30K FREE CEUs! Or, if you always seem to be running short on time like me, she also recently bundled 15 CEUs into one package with one quiz!
(It is not an affiliate promo or anything; I just thought I would share! I know a decent amount of my subscribers are other RDs and I thought it would be useful to know! )
Butcher Box Delivery
Got my turkey!
Auntie and Poppi Visit
My Aunt and Uncle visited from Arizona! It was a fun weekend!
Roy Hutchins Barbecue
We ordered Roy Hutchins Barbecue! It was a huge hit, absolutely delicious! I added a bagged Caesar salad to add some veggies to the meal.
We carved pumpkins while they were here! Unfortunately, said pumpkins are already molded and "melted."
And we roasted some pumpkin seeds!
And I made some pumpkin muffins from the Miss Jones's Baking Mix box I got at Costco! They were really good, I almost bought another box but, I decided I still want to make my homemade ones still.
Fall Festival
The boys wore their Wild Kratts costumes to KJs school festival! The vest and laminated creature cards are from Etsy. I added the colored undershirt and khaki pants.
Food Favorites
I'm obsessed with these Chobani yogurt cups.
Another yogurt win was this very ugly but delicious mix of yogurt, peanut butter, honey, and a Kodiak granola bar I got at LifeTime. I was looking for something to eat but didn't want a smoothie, the GM had ordered one so I got one too! Delicious!
I know it's not pretty at all, but the combination was delicious!
Last weekend, before anyone got sick, I made some healthy waffles to restock our freezer!
I'm finally starting to feel like I'm in a groove with fitness. Since I've been getting a solid two hours of work in the mornings, the first thing I do after breakfast/school drop-off is get a workout in if it's a workout day. When the kids were sick earlier this week, I worked out in the living room with them running around so I could use nap time for work. I'm really trying to get back into getting my strength back. I'm a year and a half postpartum, and my strength is nowhere near where I thought I would be. I'm working on it.
Here is what the last week looked like:
- Friday - Upper body workout at the gym
Set 1
- SA Rows 6-8 x 4
- Reverse Flies 8-10 x 3
Set 2
- Supine grip rows 6-8 x 4
- Hammer curls 8-12 x 3
- Pull Aparts x 12 x 3
Set 3
- Lat Pull down
- Saturday - Run 2.5 miles - literally took baby girl with me to the gym at 730AM while Mr. Hungry worked out at home before soccer, it was rushed but we made it happen.
- Sunday - OFF
- Monday - Lower Body Workout (at home)
Set 1
- Static Lunges x 8
- Ice Skate x 30
- Dumbbell Squats x 8
Set 2
- Lateral Lunges x 10 e/
- Heels elevated Squat x 10
Set 3
- Step Ups x 8
- Sumo Squat 8
- Tuesday
Set 1
- Chest Press 6-8 x 4
- Lateral Raise 8-12 x 3
- Tricep Kickbacks 8-12 x 3
Set 2
- Front Raises 8-12 x 3
- Rear Delt Flies 8-12 x 3
- Tricep Dips x 10 x 3
- Wednesday - off --> frantic filming - initially skipped workout to prioritize work.
- Thursday - off --> too much life/frantic trying to finish filming and picking up fam from the airport, intentionally skipped prioritizing work
Friday Flashbacks
10 Healthy Halloween Treats for Toddlers
Sarah says
Your Friday Favorites post are my favorites (though I have made a fair share of your recipes and benefitted from the educational posts, too). Thanks for sharing!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thank you! I will absolutely do my best to keep them coming more consistently again! Moving has been CRAZY ha ha