Hello friends! Happy Friday and happy end to your fall break, or in our case, just beginning. KJ is on fall break all next week which works out nicely since I'll be at FNCE (Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo) in Denver this weekend and early next week. Easier to line up childcare without one kid going to school and the other not. I'm excited, it's my first time at the conference since COVID-19. Another huge milestone for me is this is the first time I'll be going with a press badge, and that's thanks to you guys! It's a huge milestone for me to be able to qualify with Hungry Hobby to attend the conference with a press badge. In many early years of Hungry Hobby, I applied but just missed the cut-off for website traffic, this year I was way way way over the requirements. I'm so grateful for how far Hungry Hobby has come and so grateful for all of you! I'll be sure to report back about the conference and you can follow my adventures on IG. And if you're an RD and a reader and will be there! Shoot me a message on IG (@hungryhobbyRD) I'd love to meet you!
(PS Big thanks to my MIL for tagging along so I can bring the baby. I'm not a good pumper, my body just doesn't respond well to the pump, it would be way too hard to pump 100% that many days for a baby still exclusively breastfeeding. I did try to give her some oatmeal, but she didn't like it lol)
I know I haven't been super consistent on Friday Favorites. Being on a modified maternity leave means some things just can't get done. I know y'all love these posts so I'm doing my best, thanks for hanging in there with me during this very busy season of life!
What You May Have Missed This Week:
Friday Favorites and Food
Tres Agaves Margarita Mix
So I LOVE a good margarita. Hands down my favorite alcoholic beverage.
However, I do not like the weird aftertaste of most margarita mixes or the excess sweetness. I bought this on a whim because it had all the ingredients I would use to make my margs from scratch, but didn't have high hopes. This mix blew me out of the park! The next time I grabbed the strawberry one, which is usually too sweet for me but Mr. Hungry likes it. He loved it and I actually liked it too! I want to try Mango Chili next! Highly recommend this mix! I got it at the regular grocery store (Albertsons) but looks like it's on Amazon, at Target, and lots of other places too!
We made margaritas exactly how it says on the bottle and they were DELICIOUS!
Park Days
It's finally cool enough in the morning to enjoy parks again in Arizona (thank God.) After a fun-filled summer spent in the pool or indoors, the boys are happy to be outside the house not in a pool haha. I'm so grateful for the MWF preschool program we are in, it's so nice to have these moments at home during the week. I'm gonna be a big blob mess when he starts Kinder next year and isn't home. (Which is what I remind myself of when the boys are having their brotherly disagreements haha.)
How much longer is my big boy going to want to use the baby swing? Don't get me wrong, it's not cold out hence the red faces, but it's cool enough in the mornings to go out. Also, note the baby sleeping in the background.
Applegate Frittata Bites
Applegate sent these egg bites and I couldn't resist trying one of each even though I'm dairy-free (thanks to nursing another dairy-free baby.) We ended up eating them on days when we were out of all other options in the house and then I remembered we had these to conveniently microwave for some protein. They were delicious! I looked up the price and they are about 10 bucks a box. Less than swinging through Starbucks for egg bites for sure, but more expensive than prepping yourself. I definitely think it's a good emergency protein to have in your freezer for when meal prep fails you and life gets hectic! They were absolutely delicious!
Amazon Dress
Love this free people Amazon dupe dress! Comes in a million colors is super comfortable and has built-in shorts!
Yes, I worked out in this dress! It's that comfortable and flexible!
Still doing Expecting and Empowered. More walking since it's cooler out and some running!
Someone at church asked me how I lost weight after having three kids. Do I just exercise and not eat? This person didn't know me from Adam so they didn't know I'm a Dietitian or what I do for a living. I smiled and said actually takes me about a year to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. They looked at me puzzled, how could it take so long?
Since I've been through it twice before I'm more comfortable sharing where I'm at and where my goals are. I lost 20-25 lbs after the baby was born in the first six weeks. Then I lost another 10 lbs since then. It will likely take me till next May to lose the remaining 15-20 lbs. Every pregnancy I gained 45-50 lbs, even in the last one where I tracked and actually tried not to gain that much, I still ended up in the same place. Every pregnancy it takes about a year to come off. But once it comes off, I don't have a hard time maintaining it, that's the benefit of slow and steady lifestyle-type weight loss.
Friday Flashbacks
In case I don't get another Friday Favorites up before Halloween, I wanted to make sure I shared some of my favorite Halloween-themed HH recipes!
Sheet Pan Halloween Pumpkin Patch Cookies
Peanut Butter Chocolate Popcorn Balls
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