Hello friends! If that picture doesn't scream little boy loving the summer, I don't know what does! Except for the socks, the kid has to wear socks all the time. Toddlers and preschoolers are weird.
What are your plans for the fourth? My birthday is this weekend! Going to be 34.... woot woot! I've always loved that my birthday fell around a holiday weekend, and this year is no exception. We're having an informal housewarming/ birthday/ fourth of July thing to celebrate, so I'm excited. I'm thinking about making Watermelon Sangria!
Do you know who else had a birthday recently? Hungry Hobby! June 23rd marked NINE FREAKING YEARS of blogging! I thought I'd never see a five-year mark, much less a ten-year mark, but here we are! And like wine, HH gets better with age. I'm doing a little flash giveaway to celebrate all die-hard readers that open these Friday Favorites! All you have to do is comment on this post (anything you like) to enter. I'll randomly choose (with a random number generated) a winner after the holiday weekend to receive a $50 gift card of their choice (Amazon, Trader Joe's, Target, etc.!) as a thank you! Thank you to all of my readers (OG and new) who have supported HH over the years. Because of you, I wake up every day and get to do what I love. It doesn't get better than that.
Happy Fourth of July weekend everybody!
Meal Plan Subscribers, your meal plan is in your inbox!
Around the blog this week:
New hairdo! Okay, kind of...
I'd only been doing partials forever because who has time for a full, lol not me. So I went in, and Brad (Walker Hair @bradlymichael) did a partial underside and a few foils around the face! He also cleaned up my bangs and took some weight out!
This picture was taken for a friend who asked how my hair went. I snapped it while waiting for KK to finish swim lessons in the direct sun. So why was I waiting outside? Because, I had to have the babysitter take him in and hand him to our swim instructor so he wouldn't have a Mommy magnet temper tantrum. So that's where we are at with that...
You guys want to know the weirdest thing? Post Partum with KK like a quarter of my hair went grey, it was noticeable. Now a year later it's only here and there strands. Has anyone else had this happen to them?
I haven't eaten at Crackers (an old favorite spot of ours) since before the pandemic. Felt good to be back, this time with two kids in tow. It went about as good as it could with a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old (everyone stayed in their seat, only one time out, and no meltdowns - baby bum utilized on the phone and a pile of snacks for KK), and I enjoyed my carnitas eggs benny!
- Friday - run
- Saturday - total body workout
- Sunday - off
- Monday - Run 3 miles
- Tuesday - off
- Wednesday - upper body workout (Aaptiv)
- Thursday - off
Pulled Pork Lettuce Wraps with Healthy Coleslaw
Alaina says
Happy birthday and congratulations!!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thank you!
Angie says
Happy Birthday to you and Hungry Hobby!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thank you so much!
Kristen Dietrich says
Happy Birthday HH! I have loved watching your family grow!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
That is so sweet! Thank you!
indie says
happy birthday!!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thank you!
Marianne says
Congrats Kelli, from perhaps THE OG :))
So proud of you and all your hard work! As the old saying goes…..YOU’VE COME A LONG WAY BABY!
Love ya
Momma S
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
could have never done it without you!
Rissie says
Thank you for all your wonderful recipes!! You make eating gluten free so much easier! Happy Birthday 🙂
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
I love that!!!! And thank you so much!
Erika says
Congrats on 9 years!! long time Phoenix reader, appreciate your time and dedication!! Happy 4th of July weekend!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Love this! Thank you for reading!!! 🙂
Stacey Roberson says
Happy Birthday! Those Pulled Pork Lettuce Wraps look yummy!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
I love those! Enjoy!
Holly says
Happy birthday! My mom's birthday was yesterday (,July 1st) ! Watermelon sangria sounds like a perfect summer celebration drink 🍉
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Happy birthday to your Mom!mIt was good! VERY sweet! ha ha
Dawn says
Happy Birthday to you, and Happy Anniversary Hungry Hobby 🙂 Thanks for continuing all the great content!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thank you!
Michelle says
Happy birthday to both you and the blog!
Cat Metcalf says
Happy Birthday! I just recently stumbled onto your site and I can’t wait to try out the protein pancakes recipe!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Beaty Nelsestuen says
Happy birthday to you and the blog!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thank you!
Lisa V. says
Happy 9 years of HH! I have enjoyed following along for the past several years and have especially liked seeing the recipes that use oat flour.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Love my oat flour! I've branched out a little recently but keep going back to it! It's just so good for you and fun to work with!
Rachel says
Happy Birthday and congratulations! We were pregnant at the same time and your recipes/meal prep tips helped me a lot. Cheers to your hard work!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
That's so great! Sometimes I felt like I needed to minimize the pregnancy stuff cuz I wasn't sure who cared lol, glad to know that it helped you a lot!
Brigid says
Happy Anniversary! Love your blog!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thank you!
Amy K says
Happy belated birthday! I love your hair and this blog!!!
Amy K says
Happy belated birthday!! I love your hair and I love this blog!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
awww that is so sweet!