^Blurry moving photo!
Hello friends! Moving went pretty well, and we are settled into our temporary living situation for the next two months. Unfortunately, the AC went out and won't be fixed until next week, but luckily it's cooled down the last few days. We closed on our new house on Monday, but they need a 60-day rent back, so in 60 short days, we will get to move into our forever home. We're so grateful everything worked out the way it did between the two houses (although we would prefer to move in now, it's still worth it.)
We were able to get everything but one thing on our wish list for moving: a walk-in pantry. Most homes in the area we wanted to be in are older and don't have a pantry, so that was going to be a hard find anyways. However, the kitchen is significantly bigger and the house, in general, has more storage than our previous home, so it's a win.
Meal Plan Subscribers, your meal plan is in your inbox!
Around the blog this week:
A busy week catching up from the move and everything, but I did manage to get my new carrot cake recipe posted! It's delicious!
Consumer Connection
Next week will be light on new blog content and erratic like every other week, but that's because this week I have my FIRST in-person conference since COVID. I’m ready to reconnect with peers at the Produce for Better Health Foundation’s (PBH) Consumer Connection Conference!
Will you be there too? They have super fun networking events like the Have A Plant® Party For Produce and a Social Soiree. There are ample opportunities to get back together with old friends and meet new connections. Let me know if you are going too! https://web.cvent.com/event/
#ConsumerConnection2022 #CCC2022 #haveaplant
Easter Festivities
KJ's first Easter hunt at school! He's so excited!
What's For Dinner
I shared this on IG stories and got a lot of interesting DMS about it, so I thought I'd share it here!
How do you guys handle the "what's for dinner" question? I shared on stories (@hungryhobbyrd) that Mr. Hungry and I have a 90's kid shared hate of hamburger helper. So whenever he asks, "what's for dinner," I say Hamburger Helper. It's my passive-aggressive way of saying that the question is annoying and I'm not answering it.
Mr. Hungry doesn't help cook unless I tell him to grill something. He isn't lazy. We evenly divide most chores around the house. It's just not something he's that good at or has had a chance to practice. With little ones in the mix, he doesn't know what they can and can not or will eat. When I ask him what he wants for dinner while I'm meal planning for the week, he says whatever I make, he will eat. So the question "what is for dinner" is kind of annoying. If you aren't going to participate in meal planning or cooking, then you don't get to ask "what's for dinner" or the inevitable commentary following whatever my response is.
So, I started responding "Hamburger Helper," which shut it down. It works for us. It's a joking way for me to remind him that I'm not inviting commentary on meals unless he would like to participate in the creation of said meals (which he does not care to do, and that's okay with me!) If he wants to go to Burger King on the way home and hide the wrapper, he can do that, but he's going to have to roll the dice on whether the drive-thru is necessary because he doesn't like what I'm making. #marriedlifeisthebest LOL
(PS Mr. Hungry is always really positive about whatever I make in front of the kids, even if he doesn't like it. This is just between us!)
Boyfriend Shirts Aerie
I'm new to Aerie, I didn't even know they existed until a few months ago, but I'm growing to love this grown-up version of American Eagle! I ordered two of these boyfriend shirts from Aerie to wear with biker shorts, and they fit perfectly! I got a small one which was the perfect length for me (I'm 5'6"). I also go with these biker shorts (with POCKETS!) and this hat, which I love!
Vince Blair Slip-On Sneakers
I usually wear keds or Tom's but wanted something a little nicer that could be casual but dressier. I'm not going to lie. I got these Vince Blair Sneakers in white but would like to order them in all the other colors. Heads up, they do run a little big!
After a rocky couple of weeks, I'm feeling back in a grove. Even though Nala is staying with my Aunt while we wait for our new home, we still get up and walk most mornings. I miss her so much every morning I load the kids up. I always told the kids we were taking Nala for a walk, but I always felt like Nala and I were walking the kids. I know she is well taken care of and loved, though!
Thursday (4/7) - HIIT Workout
round 1 -1 minute, round 2 - 45 seconds, round 3 - 30 seconds
- Alternating DB Snatch with burpee
- Sumo squat hold
- jump squat
- burpee ladder
- chest press
- bicycles
- arnold press
- front raise --> lat raise
- seal jack
Friday (4/8) - Aaptiv Run (2.5 miles) last run before our treadmill went into storage
Saturday (4/9) - OFF
Sunday (4/10) - OFF
Monday (4/11)- Aaptiv Workout
3 rounds
30 seconds each
- butt kickers
- high knees
- monster walks
- jumping jacks
1 minute each
- air squat (I used a #20lb weight)
- stationary lunges (30 seconds each) #24lbs
- glute bridges banded
- bird dogs
- Russian twists
- forearm plant
Repeat x 3
30-second cardio blast x 2
- Froggers
- Broad Jump
Tuesday (4/12) - Upper Body Workout
Superset 1
- Chest Press #25lbs x 12
- Arnold Press #24 x 12
Superset 2
- Hammer Curls x 12 #20
- Back Flies x 12 #10
Superset 3
- SA Rows #20 x 12-15 each
- Skull crushers #24 x12
Wednesday (4/13) - OFF
Thursday (4/14) - Aaptiv Workout
Same as Tuesday but with shorter intervals and more cardio
Friday Flashbacks
[…] The photo quality is terrible, but those are the shoes I raved about a couple of weeks ago. The shirt and shorts are from Stitch Fix ages […]