Hi friends! Happy FRIYAY!
I feel like I have so much to catch you up on for the week because I couldn't check-in last week.
Potty training? I'm scared to say how it's going because I feel like if I speak about it, I'll jinx it. So let's say I've got nothing to complain about. Woot woot!
The rest of life? Well, we had to get ready for an appraisal person this week coming for a refi, which was a lot of work, but he came Thursday morning, so now my house can go back to the toddler tornado I usually live in. Other than that, we are resurfacing our pool, so we have some things to pick out for that. We're also taking down the old rod iron fence and replacing it with a mesh one, so looking at those options, etc. So much, and I mean so much adulting. And usually, when you have to adult, you also get wine or cocktails, so I've been missing those!
This weekend I plan to film a video or two and spend some time hanging out as a family. Mr. Hungry and his Dad knocked out that guest bathroom (check out my IG for before and after @hungryhobbyRD) before the appraisal, but unfortunately, that means KJ hasn't spent much time with Da Da or Pa Pa recently. So, this weekend will be more low-key, thank goodness!
What do you have planned this weekend?
Itzy Ritzy Diaper Bag
I'm OBSESSED with my new diaper bag! Like I couldn't be any more obsessed, it has SEVENTEEN pockets, it's so ORGANIZED! The two things that sold me on it were that the front opens all the way, so you don't lose anything in the black hole of the "large" pocket. And the changing pad is in a separate compartment in the back so it will never touch anything else in the bag. It's pricy for a diaper bag, but I LOVE it so much!
Catholic Moms Prayer Books
I'll be totally honest. I haven't made any commitments for lent other than trying to keep my head above water with all the house stuff we have going on, work, and being pregnant. I joke that "I'm pregnant for Lent," although it feels like a bit of a cop-out, I also feel like my mental capacity to take on anything else is zero. I have made an effort to read these mini-meditations most mornings, though, and I really enjoy them.
Nesting or Spring Cleaning?
We had an appraisal for a refi, so we needed to do a bit of extra cleaning, but somehow I started cleaning out all our kitchen cabinets. Was that necessary for the refi? Uh, no. Was it nesting? I'm guessing since I can't organize the nursery (furniture on backorder till mid-April), this is where my nesting needs are being directed to. I felt amazing after the purge though!
Hungryroot Delivery
We're still going strong with our Hungryroot deliveries! My favorite meal of the week was a four-ingredient meal with red lentil pasta, spinach, chicken sausage, and alfredo sauce!
Click here to read my full review on Hungryroot and get a discount code.
Not gonna lie. We eat a decent amount of Rubios during Lent. This burrito was DELICIOUS, but the guac tasted like it has zero seasonings, so disappointing.
Some days I'm just so thankful for Smoothiebox. If I'm feeling low on veggies I can quickly sneak some in with a quick smoothie I can drink while I do just about anything.
Again- full review and discount code here.
Friday Fitness
So this week was kind of s#!tshow in terms of working out. I got in ONE upper body workout.
Over the weekend I tested and photographed a lot of recipes, in addition to going on long walks with KJ. I honestly didn't work out, because my body wouldn't have been able to get through the day with all that. Then the beginning of the week was super busy getting ready for the appraisal - so I only squeezed in one E & E upper body workout on Wednesday. Hopefully, the next few weeks will be calmer, my goal is still 3 strength workouts a week. But also, basically, anything I do, including going on walks is more active than I was with KJ at this point because I was on bedrest. So what I'm trying to say is my bar is low LOL
Friday Flashbacks
Brigid says
I started listening to Bible in a Year podcast by Dr Mike Schmidt for lent. It started on Jan 1 I guess so i'm far behind but totally enjoying it. About 20 minutes a day. Never read bible cover to cover.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
We've been watching him for mass on YT and his homilies are amazing! I've heard him talk about it, I'll have to look up the podcast!