Hello friends! Sorry, no Friday Favorites post last week! Things got away from me with the Produce for Better Health Conference, but it was so worth it because it was so amazing! (More about that below coming soon!)
How are you guys doing? For me, I've always hated election years, because it's so easy to feel disconnected from those you love when conversations center around politics. (Even if I agree with those loved ones, I feel the division against those who don't share those beliefs and I don't like that feeling.) I think, for me, COVID-19 situation significantly amplifies that feeling. Although I do enjoy a good politically meme, for either side.
But the BIG news is the weather is FINALLY cooling down. Don't get too excited, but we are gonna see temperatures in the high 80's low 90's next week. I realize this is summer temps for some of you, so you may not understand my excitement, that's fair. The thing is, KJ LOVES to be outside, so it will nice to be outside without pouring sweat, ya know? It's the little things, haha
As for this weekend, I'm itching to do a bit more decorating around the house. #retailtherapy I told Mr. Hungry that I want to go to Target and Hobby Lobby. (PS Hobby Lobby is having their 40% off fall decor sale!) And since KJ won't wear a mask, that means I'm making a solo trip - which is you know, just so so so disappointing *skips out of the house* I'll catch you on IG stories, friends!
What You Might Have Missed:
In case you missed it - I've posted some fun recipes and post this last couple of weeks, click on what interests you!
- Farmbox Direct Review
- Healthy Sweet Potato Pancakes
- October Produce Guide
- 27+ Oat Flour Desserts to Make Tonight
- Banana Oatmeal Bread
- Coffee Date Fall 2020
Friday Favorites
The Phoenix Zoo
Note KJ's yawn, about sums up how he acted the whole time he was there like he was gonna fall asleep! As soon as we got home he was wide awake though, so I'm wondering if he was just overwhelmed?!? Either way, as much as I appreciated the zoo being open, I'm not sure I would go back. The mask rule was not enforced in the gate and that made me kind of nervous, about 30% of people took off their mask and did not put it back on. I had a friend message me saying everyone wore a mask during the week, so maybe if I go again I'd go during the week.
KJ scored some cool new stuffed animals though which he definitely loves!
Fall Decorations
Guess what? My willing to bring the cool weather with my decorations worked! 😉 More decorations to come! Plus I still need to show y'all the bathroom and the Master Bedroom!
Friday Food
We've been obsessed with pei wei recently! I've been getting the honey searched shrimp with extra broccoli.
We've also been buying a ton of cesar salad kits, so then I bought all the ingredients (dressing, croutons, parmesan cheese) to make our own! We've been loving them!
Friday Fitness
Here is what my fitness looked like this week! I've been doing a ton of Aaptiv workouts and sticking to 30-minute workouts since I've been so busy!
Friday (10/2) - OFF
Saturday (10/3) - Zoo trip lots of walking!
Sunday (10/4) - Built Tough - Aaptiv
Circuit of 40 seconds on 2o seconds off x 3 rounds (1-minute break between rounds)
- Arnold Press
- Dumbbell Squats and Press
- Bicep Curls and Lunges (left side)
- Hammer Curls and Lunges (right side)
- Sumo Deadlift
- Plank Row
- In and Out Push Up
- Chest Press
- Tricep Kickback
Monday (10/5) - OFF
Tuesday (10/6) - Concealed Weapons - Aaptiv
Wednesday (10/7) - OFF
Thursday (10/8) - 30 Minute Run - Up the Ante with Aaptiv
Friday Flashbacks
How to Make High Protein Overnight Oats - 4 Ways
3 Miles In 30 Minutes
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