Hi, friends!
When we first bought our house, the couple that lived here offered for us to purchase some furniture from them since they were downsizing, and we were upsizing. We bought this MASSIVE couch that was perfect for space until we opened the kitchen up, and the living room got smaller by default. We recently rearranged the room and decided to get rid of a section of that massive couch. Toddlers need lots of room to be toddlers, and he needed more space!
So our task this weekend, figure out how to remove the said section of the couch from the house. We added a security screen and a new arcadia door since we bought the house, so I don't know how they got that couch in to start with, but it's not looking great right now. So that's the main task for the weekend, praying it's not requiring removing doors from their frames (it most likely will.)
In other news, the shower guy is supposed to finish the shower today, which means if he finishes the shower, the entire bathroom remodel started in March (quarantine house projects) will FINALLY be finished. I can shower any time I want without worrying about waking up the baby. This is good because I need to shower most days by nap time (post-workout and morning walk) and recently haven't been able to, so I've stayed a sweaty mess all day. Can't wait to have a full working Master bath!
Alright friends, little man is up on the monitor and ready to rock and roll so I'm out for the weekend! See you next week!
- Bisou Naturals
Right before quarantine started, Bisou Naturals reached out and offered to send me one of their deluxe air purifying systems. It arrived at the start of quarantine and sat in my office, because (#overwhelmed) and then I forgot about it. I recently got it out, and it's so cool! It's has all these bags filled with bamboo charcoal (which absorbs the odors) you can put in different places in your home as natural air purifiers. Since I've been on a mission to remove fragrances and chemicals from our home, I love these! Here is where I put ours:
- Bottom of laundry hampers
- Shoe rack (I put a couple there)
- Underwear/sock drawer
- Near the cat's litter box
I've definitely noticed less odor coming from those areas now that the air purifier bags have been there a week or so. If you use the code PREMIUM on your order, you get 30%, which is a killer deal. I'd honestly pay full price for these Bisou Naturals purification bags now that I've tried them and thinking I might gift some over the holidays!
- Rolling Stones Outfit
My mom brought over this outfit for KJ, and the highlight was the Rolling Stone's T-shirt, but she also bought these red shorts, and red shoes (shoes are on clearance!. Target has a bunch of rocker graphic T's right now, which is so fun to see on a toddler.
PS Please disregard KJ's attempt at the "smile face" and his home haircut
- Ground Beef for Life Is Back (For A Limited Time)
If you missed my early access email, you still have time to jump on FREE GROUND BEEF for life, but hurry because this deal will end soon friends! If you've been around, you know that BB is my go-to source for high-quality meat for our family and I pay for everything I get. Check out my video of my latest Butcher Box delivery below!
Click here to get 2 pounds of grass-fed, grass-finished beef in every box for life!
New YouTube Videos
Finally got to editing some YouTube videos! If you haven't tried this sauce or tacos yet, YOU MUST! They are DELICIOUS!
The Original Burrito Co.
The Original Burrito Co. has been a go-to for us since we lived in our first apartment together as a married couple in Ahwatukee. We still make the drive sometimes, because it's worth it! Last Saturday we went around 10 am, because after working out neither of us had eaten yet. I ate half mine for breakfast and half mine for lunch!
Smoothie Box Smoothies
Thanks to Mr. Hungry asking for smoothies, we've been on our smoothie game strong this week! He convinced me to add spinach to our Berry Blast Smoothie Box Smoothies yesterday morning. I usually like to drink mine as is, but the spinach was going bad, so I threw some in mine too.
Butcher Box Burgers
Inevitably, whenever we get our BB delivered, the burgers are the first thing we eat. Not only are they freaking delicious, but you can also throw them on the grill from frozen, which is a huge plus! I also tested Trader Joe's Cauliflower Gnocchi in the Air Fryer (was amazing) earlier that day, so we had the leftovers (leftovers not that amazing.)
Ground Turkey Lettuce Tacos with Taco Cauliflower Rice
I'd make this again in a heartbeat; in fact, I'm thinking about sharing in a full recipe on the blog. I used Butcher Box Ground Turkey and sauteed it up with some Frontera chicken taco sauce along with onions and garlic. Then I threw in a can of black beans. I hate the texture of beans, but I've trying to incorporate them more recently, and this was delicious, the texture didn't bother me at all! I served the turkey/bean mix in lettuce wraps with cheese and salsa. I also made some cauliflower rice (from frozen) seasoned with a crapload of taco seasoning. Easy peasy meal!
Hi friends, I took an extra day off this week because my knees are feeling sore. I mean they don't hurt, it's weird, but when I try to squat down to play with KJ, they feel super sore (am I getting old?) I think I just need to foam roll and stretch a bit since I've been doing ZERO of that in the last I don't know 2 years since KJ was born ha ha
Friday (8/21) - Upper Body Burn Boot Camp
Complete each exercise for 2 minutes, in between each exercise do 5 plyo push ups. Then, complete each exercise for 1 minute (no plyo push ups)
- Renegade Row to Kickback https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87zftjKyJ8E
- L Raises https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ruPUPfD80E
- Row to Fly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2pftWuFI_c
- Press to TC Extension https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7-EEvPrYtA
- Traveling Locomotive (couldn't find a video - it's basically alternating rows with light weights, in the traveling case you move from a bent over deadlift position to standing straight up with the weights over your heads while alternating arms the whole time. So you move from a bent over row, to a standing up pressing the weights straight in from of you, and then overhead, then reverse the motion.)
- Chest fly or Wide Push Up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rr6eFNNDQdU
- Bus Drivers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25g1bRCOoHc
Saturday (8/22) - 3.5 mile run with Aaptiv (Let's Talk About Tempo)
Sunday (8/23) - lower body burn boot camp workout (didn't write it down)
Monday (8/24) - OFF
Tuesday (8/25) - arm workout (LOVED this workout - I was super sore for just 20 minutes) with Aaptiv
Basically you do 2 sets of each exercise with no break in between, the first movement is a full movement for 45 seconds, and the second movement switches to alternating for 30 seconds.)
- Bicep Curls/ Alternating Bicep Curls
- Shoulder Press/ Alternating Shoulder Press
- Bent Over Rows/ Alternating Bent Over Rows
- Tricep Kickbacks/ Alternating Tricep Kickbacks
- Upright Row/Alternating Upright Row (I did pull downs instead)
- Lat Raises/ Alternating Lateral Raises
- Rear Flies/ Alternating Rear Flies
- Overhead Tricep Extension/ Pulsing Overhead Tricep Extensions
- Hammer Curls/Alternating Hammer Curls
Then, I went through and did one more round of each exercise for 10-12 reps (or until failure). I will be doing this one again!
Wednesday (8/26) - OFF
Thursday (8/27) - OFF
Friday Flashback
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