Happy FriYAY!
How was your week? I know a ton of people are having to make very tough decisions about sending your kids to school/daycare, etc., right now, and I just want to say my heart and prayers are with you during this tough time. I'm grateful that KJ is young enough that we don't have to make that decision right now. Whatever decision you make will be the best for your family and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.
As for this weekend, Mr. Hungry and his Dad have our master bath almost completely remodeled, and I can't wait to show you pictures! They've done an amazing job, just finishing up the tile on the shower and installing the glass left to do! So, other than them working on the bathroom, it will be lots of cooking, photographing, and pool time (the usual summer life) when I'm not working this weekend! What about you?
Oh, and since it's Friday Favorites, here is my random purchase of the week - a chlorine floater as a toy for KJ. He is OBSESSED with the ones in our pool so, I finally bought him a cheap one to play with, in the pool, that doesn't actually have chlorine in it (because that's obviously not safe.) I stupidly let him take them in and out of the pool ONE time the first time we swam this summer and ever since then, despite our best efforts to get him to forget the chlorine floaters, he has not forgotten. So, I finally just bought him his own, and now he doesn't obsess about the other ones with chlorine. He loves to take the top on and off, throw it, swim to it, come back, put it in and out of the pool, ha ha whatever keeps him happy right? I find equivalent to playing with a cardboard box, but again, hours of fun so who cares right? that's my #momlife moment for the week!
Smoothies all week, as usual!
We ordered Chinese food over the weekend, Mr. Hungry's favorite!
I made some tacos, and then the next day turned them into a lettuce wrap, recipe coming soon!
New YouTube Videos:
Brad, my hairstylist, did an awesome video when quarantine first started on how to curl your hair and what products he uses. This is exactly how he taught me like three years ago. He's the best!
Friday (7/17) - no light, heavyweight
2 Rounds (45 seconds each)
- V-ups
- Plank, Push Up, Plank, Bear
- Bicycle Crunches
3 Rounds (40 seconds on/ 20 seconds rest)
- T hold (15 seconds) + Lat Raises
- Goal Post hold (15 seconds) + shoulder press
- Tricep Kickback hold (15 seconds) + Tricep Kickbacks
Three rounds (40 seconds on /20 seconds rest)
- Pull-Ups
- Hammer Curls
- Single Arm Clean and Jerks
60 seconds rest between rounds
Saturday (7/18) - Half the Time Aaptiv Treadmill Workout
Sunday (7/19) - Buns on Deck Aaptiv Workout
Monday (7/20) - OFF
Tuesday (7/21) - Burn Boot Camp Upper Body Workout
Wednesday (7/22) - 30,40, 60 Aaptiv Workout (Cardio Full Body)
Thursday (7/23) - OFF
PS did you know that you can find all my workouts from the last six years of blogging pinned by body part/type of workout to my HH Workouts board on Pinterest? I hope it helps inspire you!
Friday Flashbacks
20 Minute Maple Mustard Pork Chops
Rene says
Hi Kelli, have you thought of showing us some of the moves you do in your workouts? There are a few I don’t know. Or maybe put a link in for some of the moves. Thanks
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Hi Rene, I'll definitely add some links! I used to film workouts but it didn't seem like many people were interested in it compared to food ha ha