Good morning friends! Happy Friday! And boy, we need a Friday, don't we? Life is starting to feel weird, isn't it?
For those of you who are new around here, I teach nutrition courses at a local community college, and I was informed yesterday that we would not be heading back to school. Our spring break is extended one week to give us instructors time to move online.
I've never seen anything like this, and I keep asking people in my life older than me if they have. They just shake their heads. I was in college during the H1N1 outbreak. My roommate tested positive, so they gave us both anti-viral and sent us on our way—definitely no sweeping closures of public events.
While Arizona currently only has 9 cases of COVD-19, the colleges are shut down, and local schools have shut down (as of this morning), sporting events canceled, life as we know it is halted. What's it like where you live? I've been praying for those of you in profoundly affected areas like New York and Washington.
In case you missed it, yesterday I shared this video and a few tips on how to boost your immune system (without spending $$$$ on supplements.)
Other posts this week included:It's starting to feel a little weird to keep blogging, but I'm going to continue because if we're on self-imposed lockdown as a Nation, then what else am I going to do? I'll keep sharing recipes and health info because if you're stuck at home trying to keep up your immune system, maybe you can at least try some new healthy recipes? I don't know man, but for the first time in AZ, we're chanting come on summer, I can't believe I want 120 temps!
PS I know that the cold doesn't make you sick, but I did read that the weather dries out your nasal passages making you more susceptible to illness? Who knows.
Whatever is going on with you, whatever situation you are currently facing, I'm praying for all my readers. I can't imagine those people that now have to struggle to find childcare or leave their kids at home. The financial impact, etc. It's all hard, but all we can do is keep pulling together as a nation.
With that, yes, WTE? Meal Plans is still going strong, and my subscribers have their newest meal plan in their inbox!
Daily Harvest For Lunch
For some reason, I got really into DH for lunch this week. Usually, I eat like one bowl a week, but this week I ate four already! It was raining all week, and hot steaming harvest bowls sounded so good. One thing I noticed is that their bowls are helping me get in more beans/legumes, which I don't typically eat!
(Read the full Daily Harvest review here, or if you want to try them out, make sure to use this link for 25% off and the code hungryhobby at checkout for an extra $10 bucks off.)
Mexican Mules
I typically only drink on the weekends, so I really look forward to my drink of choice. This week I made myself a Mexican mule - tequila, ginger beer, and a ton of lime juice.
Trader Joe's Almond Flour Cookies
These Trader Joe's Almond Flour Cookies got devoured in about .2 seconds, especially since I made them with extra butter (thank the Mexican Mule for that decision.) Highly recommend, though, clean ingredients and easy to make! PLUS for my MSPI mama's out there, they are egg and dairy-free!
Instagram Favorites
I'm still going to Burn and still taking the baby with me. Right now, there are only 3 cases of COVD-19 in our county. One is from two months ago and that person long since recovered. So there are two active cases, as it grows, I'll stop taking the baby and eventually probably avoid going out to the gym in favor of using my home gym. UGH, though, because I enjoy Burn.
But, the BIG news is I did TWO FULL PULL-UPS for the first time (they were terrible form but who cares for now)! If you had told me that I'd finally be able to do pull-ups AFTER I had a baby, I would have thought NO WAY. My focus on strength training > cardio continues, and I love it.
Friday (3/06) - Posterior Strength Tripod Workout at Burn
Saturday (3/07) - Core Foundation Workout on Aaptiv and then an upper-body circuit I created
Descending ladder of 10, 8, 6, 4, and then as many as I could do for the last round:
- Bicep Curls (#40)
- Shoulder Raises (#30)
- Chest Press (#60)
Sunday (3/08) - OFF
Monday (3/09) - Home workout with Aaptiv (HIIT Style)
Tuesday (3/10) - Upper Body Burn - loved it, so I made it pinnable!
Wednesday (3/11) - Burn - athletic conditioning
Thursday (3/12) - OFF
PS did you know that you can find all my workouts from the last six years of blogging pinned by body part/type of workout to my HH Workouts board on Pinterest? I hope it helps inspire you!
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