Hi, friends! Unfortunately, I have to take Nala to the vet for bloodwork today before her surgery next week. I haven't mentioned it before now, but our furrbaby has a mast cell tumor. Apparently, they are pretty common in ridgebacks and boxers, but the average age is 8 years old and she is only 4!
In most cases, it's removed and it's fine, but that all depends on what grade it is and the potential that it has already spread. It's very very small so we are hopeful that all will be okay. Send good vibes/prayers for her!
On a happier note, I have a much-needed hair appointment this weekend, can't wait to get a little freshened up before the holidays.
Meal plan friends, your meal plan is in your inbox!
I'm not sure if this is favorite or an unfavorite. It tasted really really good but I was disappointed in the amount of "cheese" on this pizza with dairy-free cheese from Spinatos.
So, I thought I would jump off the smoothie train when the fall came. I delayed my subscription for a few months, then, I went one week without SmoothieBox. During which I ate Larabars or a banana and protein shake for breakfast every single day and decided I needed SmoothieBox in my life so I reordered them.
I've been happily drinking a real breakfast every morning and let's just say my system is also back to regular. Ya, I went there, I'm a Dietitian. I'm allowed. Anyways, after that experience, I decided I'd do a real full review on their service next week (both pros and cons.) For those of you who are interested now though, the current promo is to get a free insulated Tumblr, plus if you use my HH exclusive link you'll get $20 bucks off your first box. Click here to order your first box!
Dinner photos are getting dark again! I'm super excited, because it means it's finally going to cool down, in like two months. Oh man #arizonalife
For dinners this week we had grilled chicken, hummus, Trader Joe's dolmas, and veggies.
We also had Maple Mustard Glazed Pork Chops from HH (and they were on last weeks WTE? Meal Plan) a couple of times. I accidentally defrosted twice what I needed from my last Butcher Box, so, I decided to make them all and freeze half.
So Mr. Hungry will have the other half for lunch next week!
Side note, BB is currently running their best campaign, the ground beef for life promo! If you haven't signed up, you can use this link to try it!
Fri (9/16) - Aaptiv Double Trouble (weights and treadmill) - LOVED the structure of this workout - you did one round of something hard, and then one round of something easier for 30 seconds. So if you made it through the hard piece you know you make it through the easier one!
Sat (9/7) - Aaptiv Stronger Self Workout
Sun (9/8) - (Workout at my inlaws apartment gym.) Stairmaster 20 minutes plus 3 sets of lat pulldowns and 3 sets of overhead cable tricep extensions.
Mon (9/9)- OFF
Tues (9/10) - Aaptiv Chest & Core Workout
Wed (9/11) - Tempo Run - Aaptiv
Thurs (9/12) - OFF
Friday Flashbacks
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