Good morning! I can't believe it's September, where did this year go? Oh, right, I had a baby - that's where this year went!
Today's post will be a short one! I didn't do much recording of my meals this week and don't have many new favorites to share, so it will be a short post kind of like this week! I feel like short weeks always have me playing catch up all week, I'm so ready for the weekend!
Meal Plan Friends, your new plan is in your inbox! I'm totally making my almost 5 ingredient pumpkin seed bars this weekend, those need to come back into my life ASAP!
Costco finally got in plant-based protein shakes! I'm a big fan of making my own during meal prep (I use Sprouts brand or Health Warrior with almond milk), BUT, mason jars get real stinky if you leave them in your car and don't rinse them out. These are great for some days when I teach and don't have access to a sink to wash my mason jar out.
PS You can find my Costco Favorites list in this post!
Fitness Recap
Fri (8/30) - HIIT Workout - which apparently I didn't write down? Sorry!
Sat (8/31) - Upper Body Showdown (Aaptiv workout)
Sun (9/1) - OFF
Mon (9/2) - Tempo Run (Aaptiv workout)
Tues (9/3)
One Minute Please (Aaptiv workout)
3 x 30/15
- supermans
- V-ups
- plank kickbacks
- left side plank
- right side plank
3 rounds of work every minute, aiming to complete 15 reps within the minute:
- push-ups to bent over rows (I did 15 bent-over rows, then push-ups until time ran out)
- courtesy lunge to knee drive
- squat and twist
- deadlift
- bicep curl to Arnold press
Jump squat burn out
Wed (9/4)
2 rounds of glute activation exercises
3 rounds:
- 3 turkish get-ups each side (10#)
- SL deadlift x 10-12 each side (#30)
- Farmers carry (35#)
Uphill walking workout
4 rounds, increasing speed each round
- 1 minute at 4%
- 1 minute at 6%
- 1 minute at 8%
- 1 minute at 10%
Thurs (9/5) - OFF
Friday Flashbacks
Sheet Pan Bacon Wrapped Chicken Thighs & Green Beans
Healthy & Easy Skillet Meals Under 30 Minutes
Janie Melcher says
A good way to stay healthy. Thank you for sharing.
Saguren Redyrs says
Hi Kelli
This is my first time reading your stuff. I'll be checking out Hungry Hobby again in the future. By the way, I also feel like short weeks are mostly about catching up on everything that needs to get done.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Welcome! And yep, they totally are!