In the craziness of December, poor second child, I missed your seven-month update. So, today, I'm making up for it with a combined seven and 8-month update!
KJ at seven months and eight months
My sweet little chill KK. KK, your skin, hair, and eyes just keep getting lighter and lighter. Your hair is blonde with a hint of strawberry coloring, your skin is so fair, and your eyes are blue-grey. It's bizarre how much your complexion has lighted up since you were born, even more than your brothers did. We gave you an Irish middle name after my Grandpa's side of the family (Sean), and I think you really wanted to own it!
You have grown leaps and bounds in the last two months! At the beginning of 7 months, you started sitting independently for long periods. Around 7.5 months, you started army crawling about half a foot at a time. If something was just out of reach, you could pull yourself forward to get it. At eight months, you started using your knees to help you army crawl, and if you wanted to, you could make it across the room. Every time I encourage you to crawl, I'm like, wait, what am I doing!?!? You aren't getting up on all fours yet, but I think it's just a matter of time!
You often say mama and dada, mostly just babbling. But, occasionally, when you are fussy, you say mama at the same time as your fussing. Part of me thinks that is intentional?
You have been on solids for a few months now, and you love food, but you are a bit pickier than your brother was. Foods with strong tastes take you a while to get used to, whereas KJ seemed to eat anything I put in front of him until he turned two years old, then he wouldn't eat anything.
Since your weight gain was a little low at your last appointment (at seven months), your pediatrician advised we do three full meals a day. Immediately once we started doing that, you stopped wanting the supplement I give you after I breastfeed you at the dream feed. I'm still offering the supplement and the dreamfeed, though, just in case. We're still nursing about 6-7 times a day, usually around nap and bedtime. Mama's hoping to cut out that dreamfeed soon. You still wake up for it, though, and then sleep through till ⅚ am, so for now, it seems like you still need it.
And the big news, a couple of weeks ago, I started offering you some baby-led weaning items. So many of my friends on Instagram recommended solid starts to me, which has been such a helpful resource! One thing I never understood about baby-led weaning was what was safe, what wasn't, and how to prepare certain items. Solid starts answers all of those questions and more! I'm not sure if you would call what we are doing baby-led weaning since we did purees only until 7.5 months, and I still give you purees along with BLW items, but we're having fun either way! You only recently started sitting up well in your high chair, so I don't think we could have safely done any BLW before that.
We have more freedom to offer foods since we only need to avoid dairy. You've had a lot of dairy substitute items and even eggs without a problem, though!
Favorite foods are oat milk plain full-fat yogurt (we've been doing oatly), oatmeal, all fruit, french toast, toast with avocado, toast with butter, and some veggies like sweet potatoes, parsnips, carrots
Just like your big bro at this age, you are doing well on the two nap a day schedule, which you've been on for two solid months now. Your day typically looks like this:
- wake up between 5:30 am, and 6:30 am
- first nap at 9-9:30 am
- second nap at around 1-2 pm
- Bedtime between 6-7:15 pm, depending on the end time of the second nap. Sometimes bedtime gets pushed back later due to dinner and bath time with your brother.
You've started to watch and react to your brother more and more. If your big brother is upset or throwing a fit, often you will start crying too. You watch him all the time, and he loves to make you laugh. He also likes to hug you, rub your head, bear hug you, and rub your face. As you've gotten more mobile, your brother has tested his limits with you more.
In general, you are such a happy baby. Of course, you go through spurts where you want to be held and are maybe a little fussy, but overall you are just happy a lot of the time.
You love to:
- ride in the stroller or car
- hang out sitting playing with things (on the mat or in the high chair)
- eat teething crackers or eat in general
- Read books – you can turn the pages!
- get to any and all of your brother's toys
- watch your brother and Nala play
- hanging out in the bouncer ->* so funny because your brother LOVED the bouncer
- when you can't see Mommy or when you can see Mommy, and she isn't holding you
- new people (they kind of scare you now)
More Baby KK:
- Baby KK Six Months
- Baby KK Five Months
- Baby KK Four Months
- Baby KK Three Months (4th Trimester Wrap Up)
- Baby KK Two Months
- Baby KK One Month
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