Another DIL style post for you, this is what yesterday was like trying to get my life together after the long weekend!
5:00 AM I hear little Man on the monitor and pray he goes back to sleep. I usually get up at this point, because I know that I'm not going back to sleep. Little man will kind of light sleep, waking up frequently from 5-6am. So, I usually get up and check email, because I can't sleep through that. Today, I didn't get up, so I laid there till 5:45 am praying for more sleep, no dice.
5:45 AM: Get up, get dressed for going on a walk. Make Iced Coffee.
6:00 AM: Get little man up. He's happily playing in his crib. I take him back to our room to nurse, then we feed Nala and get ready for a walk.
6:30 AM: Out the door for our walk!
7:00 AM: We return home from our walk. Mr. Hungry starts feeding little man breakfast while I get ready.
7:05 AM: My MIL, arrives and takes over caring for Little Man while Mr. Hungry and I get ready for the day.
8:00 AM: I'm out the door with my stuff and my breakfast. I keep waiting for my SmoothieBox to show up, but it never did. Probably because I set the order for 9/23, UGH. I rescheduled, and it should show up in a couple of days, but that means breakfast has honestly been kind of a shit show. This morning I add two scoops of collagen to my iced coffee, then grab an RX Nut butter packet and a banana. At least it's balanced.
I'm teaching at a different community college this semester, so there is lots of running around to get my badge/parking decal/etc. And other housekeeping items so I need to go in early.
For my earlier class, I usually leave before traffic gets too bad, and for my later class, I can leave my house after traffic has died down. There was no way around traffic this morning though, I'm smack dab in the middle of rush hour. Luckily I've been enjoying listening to the Theory of Content podcast on my commute. The only downside is I wish I had a notebook and pen to take notes because there are so many awesome nuggets of website running wisdom that I know I'll never remember them all!
8:45 AM: I arrive at the campus and start the treck from the general parking (still don't have an employee decal) to IT to get my badge.
9:07 AM: I arrive at IT to get my badge.
9:23 AM: I leave and go to public safety to get my parking decal.
9:30 AM: I leave public safety and go the Center for Learning Technology to take care of a few things.
9:45 AM: I arrive at the adjunct office accross from my classroom, sweaty but feeling accomplished and print out a few things.
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM teach lecture class followed by the first day of a lab class.
1:05 PM: Put supplies back in the storeroom and head back to my car.
1:15 PM: Begin driving home, realize I haven't had coffee or food in a while. (but I've been drinking lots of water.) I listen to the Theory of Content podcast on the way home.
1:45 PM: Arrive home just in time to nurse little man and put him down for his nap. (Little man is nursing 4x a day still, so I missed a morning nursing session and he got a bottle instead. Typically I would pump, but I didn't have any time yesterday. I'm hoping to transition him to 2-3x a day by the end of the month. )
2:00 PM: Eat a piece of DKB toast with almond butter and a half a banana before I work out.
2:30 PM: Start One Minute Please Aaptiv workout.
3:05 PM: Drink a protein shake and quickly foam roll.
3:15 PM: I hear Little Man on the monitor, time to get him!
We hang out for a while playing, and I realize I'm starving. So I eat some leftover sun-dried tomato pasta from last weeks WTE? Meal Plan.
4:00 PM I didn't take any pictures of Little Mans dinner because my phone wasn't near me, plus dinner is a fast and furious affair. He had beans, sweet potato, and avocado. Of which, he ate all the sweet potato and only pieces of beans or avocado that I stuck to the sweet potato. After dinner, I gave him a mesh teether with frozen cherries in it for "dessert"/teething relief.
I cleaned up, and then we played some more while we waited for Mr. Hungry to get home.
5:00 PM Mr. Hungry gets home, so he takes over watching Little Man while I get dinner started.
5:40 PM Dinner is finished, I clean up and then work at the computer checking email until Little Man is done with his bath.
6:15 PM I head into the nursery to nurse him.
6:30 PM Mr. Hungry gives him his "top off" bottle.
6:45 PM Mr. Hungry and I eat dinner together. I baked salmon (for me) and cod (for Mr. Hungry) with Trader Joe's Vegan Pesto on it (plus one additional piece with olive oil and garlic for Little Man). I made foil packets and baked them from frozen for 45 minutes. I also defrosted cauliflower gnocchi and then baked it to create a crispy texture (just like I do in my sheet pan cauliflower gnocchi dinner). I also roasted zucchini half-moons with garlic salt.
It's getting darker at night, so it's harder to take nice dinner photos, sorry!
7:10 PM I clean up from dinner and sit down to finish checking my email.
7:30 PM I shower and get ready for bed.
7:51 PM I'm looking for my water bottle everywhere and realize I left it in Little Mans room. I check the monitor. He is asleep. So I turn on the bathroom light next to his room and pop my head in (like I do every night before I go to bed.) CRAP HE IS SITTING UP AWAKE! He looks at me and starts wailing.
That's what I get for trying to get my water bottle. He cries on and off for 10 minutes, which isn't like him since we sleep trained. I go in and rock him for a while and then he goes back to bed.
8:13 PM I sit down at my computer to start this post.
9:13 PM Little man is up again crying! Again, this behavior is bizarre, so I go in and change his diaper, give him Tylenol, mylecon gas relief, and even use the Frieda nose thing to get rid of boogers. THE WORKS. I rock him for 2-3 more minutes until he is calm, but not asleep, and lay him down in the crib.
9:27 PM I'm working at the computer still, he cries for a few minutes but puts himself back to sleep. Whew!
10:05 PM I head to bed, take my night time supplements and wash up.
10:30 PM Lights out!
And little man must have been teething because he was up several times during the night. Lots of strong coffee for Mama today!
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