Hello, out there! This is the first time I've even opened my computer since last Tuesday, which is CRAZY for me!
I wish I could say it was because I took so much needed TLC time for the holidays, but sadly, it's because I've been battling the worst flu/cold/whatever I've had since I was 19.
Literally didn't even know what day of the week it was or time of the day, everything was such a blur. But, let me back up to the fun part because luckily, we weren't that sick until Christmas afternoon, so we got to enjoy some of the holiday.
Christmas Eve
I kicked off the day with a workout at Burn Boot Camp!
My "gift" was 40 crunches!
Mr. Hungry stayed home with the baby while I met my in-laws at church. The baby had a slight cough (from what I thought was him getting over his previous cold), and we didn't want to anger people with one-year-old coughing all over them.
As some of you may have seen on IG (@hungryhobbyrd), Mr. Hungry also had a concussion a few days prior. So, we figured it was best for him to stay home too.
I don't have any pictures dressed up for Church, though. It was a PACKED mass, and we sat in the hall (I sat with my SIL, my in-laws had to stand). We all headed to our house right after dinner. On the menu were tamales from Espos and a bunch of appetizers from Costco! Very easy!
We did some gift exchange that night, but just a few little things, then it was off to bed for the kiddos! Once we said our goodbyes and goodnights, I changed into my Christmas PJs and poured myself a hot chocolate with a heavy dose of baileys while we watched Christmas movies!
And this is what the start of our Christmas morning looked like...
Christmas with kids is the BEST! It's just so much fun to give a kid a present on Christmas and tell them it's from Santa. I mean, KJ has no idea about Santa yet, but still. Fun. It's like being a kid again yourself.
Once we opened up presents from Santa and fed little man breakfast, we loaded up and headed to my in-laws' house.
Cousins playing together! Of course, there were more presents at Grandma and Grandpas! And we brought some for our Nephew who somehow had only opened one of his gifts so far! I don't know how they held him off!
I think it's because he loved the truck he was playing with so much (it's a Mac truck, and my nephew is almost 4 for reference.)
Pretty sure Baby K thought his present was all the things hanging on the Christmas tree. (Don't worry, they put all the non-breakables on the bottom, we just had to take the hooks off them when he handed them to us. LOL)
We had a lovely morning opening presents and lounging around.
This picture cracks me up... KJ and I have the EXACT same look on our faces, while Mr. Hungry smiles away!
(Affiliate link for our matching PJ set. I got a couple of questions on IG, so I figured I'd link on here as well!)
Baby K likes to have things in BOTH hands at all times. I remember when my nephew went through that stage, and I think it's hilarious. New dinosaur present and musical reindeer decoration.
One more family pic as Baby K takes a pit stop from playing!
Around evening time is when things took a turn for the worse. Baby K spiked a temperature and started to get fussy, so no pictures of our meal or anything. My in-laws did a wonderful job making bacon roasted green beans, roast, and ham. It was really delicious!
And I will tell you we had my apple crisp for dessert, which is still my favorite dessert EVER.
We headed home right before bedtime and then went to bed ourselves.
Unfortunately, we all woke up with 101-103F fevers the next day, and it's been a blur since then. We did have to take the baby to the ER because he was breathing SUPER fast. Like 65-70 breaths per minute, VERY FAST. Luckily it normalized by the time we got there, probably a symptom of the high fever (I had a video and showed the doctor), but we still waited 5 hours with a sick toddler to be seen.
When your kids (and you) are sick like that, your whole world stops because every spare moment you have is spent taking care of them or yourself. This means, if you are self-employed like I am, so does your work. Luckily everything I've built for the last six years doesn't disappear overnight. I'd be lying if I didn't say that when I turn on my computer after a break, I'm half expecting it to be gone, but thanks to you guys, it's not.
When I logged back onto Instagram and the blog, I saw an outpouring of positive messages wishing us to get better. You guys are freaking amazing and always fill me with positivity. And the blog had not disappeared!
We are feeling better now. I still have a weird lingering cough, probably due to my mild asthma. I was prescribed cough medicine, new inhaler, and steroids. Although, I'm going to give it a day or two longer before I take the steroids because those make me feel yucky. Time for all the green juice!
Thank you for stopping by the blog today! I'd love to hear how your Christmas was! I hope you were well!
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