Has something like this ever happen to you at dinner time? I had planned to just have my chia pudding for dinner around 530pm before I headed out for Zumba. Well at 4:15pm I was starving so I started with some innocent sugar snap peas and about 10 minutes later decided I was too hungry […]
5 Minute Omelette Bowl Breakfast/Dinner Idea
Breakfast for Dinner: The Omelette Bowl All weekend I was CRAVING eggs and never seem to be able to have any. So I knew I wanted eggs this week, without fail! Therefore, the last two nights I've had the easiest and yet most delicious breakfast for dinner ever. I call it an omelette bowl because […]
Peach Cobbler Chia Protein Pudding
Another Dessert for Breakfast: Peach Cobbler Chia Protein Pudding This morning started with a bowl of Peach Cobbler Chia Protein Pudding... mmmm I love dessert for breakfast if you haven't noticed 😉 To make it I threw together the following ingredients in a bowl, whisked away, and stuck it in the refrigerator to let the […]
7/21-7/27 Meals and Workouts
Plans for Meals & Workouts Last night I actually stopped at TJ's as I drove in from Phoenix. When I walked in the door I took out my camera snapped this picture and washed all the fruit. I did this before I brought anything else in or went potty. I knew if the fruit wasn't […]
Family Weekend Photo Recap
We spent the weekend enjoying the Princess Hotel in Scottsdale for Paul's works Family Weekend. It was so much fun hanging out all weekend with him and getting to know his co workers and their families! Since we've been doing long distance they give him a hard time teasing him that I don't really exist […]
Friday Focus on.... The Coffee Bar Sweeteners
In light of Starbucks treat receipt being back.... What Should You Use to Sweeten Your Morning Cup of Joe?????? The number one question I get when people find out I am going to be a dietitian is always something like "What color packet should I be using to sweeten my coffee?" I can't tell you […]
Three Big Meals or Small Meals and Snacks?
Yesterday's Meal/Snack Recap I'm the kind of person that likes to eat mini meals throughout the day with some snacks. I like lots of variety and I like to feel satisfied not full. Since working at the hospital I eat huge breakfasts to sustain me until lunch. I usually have one or two cups of […]
Excited Presley
Look what I get to come home to every day... this is why I can't wait to get off work! She makes me want a puppy of my own! She's definitely got hops too!
Helpful Tips for Eating Out
Meal Planning for Eating Out Seems kind of counter intuitive, why would you plan a meal if you are going to eat out? Read on and it will all make sense soon I promise! Lunch yesterday was one of the best I've had in a while, tilapia with acorn squash and broccoli. This was the […]
Angel Food Cake Overnight Oats
Who Wants Angel Food Cake for Breakfast???? ME! As I type I am currently enjoying a bowl of Angel Food Cake overnight oats. Yummmmmm Photo Updated 8/7/2016 ...and even though I get free coffee at the hospital I wanted to start my Monday off with some really really really good coffee, so I set the […]
Weekend Fun & Treats
I had to finally see what this juice bar craze was about.... "We Got the Beet" sample "Vital Energy" Smoothie New Workout Cloths ON SALE at Target!!!! 🙂 Shorts= $6 and Tank = $10 ... total steal! A Moment of Beauty and Reflection Clearly I'm falling for the craze.... I went back the next day... […]
Weeks Workouts and Meal Plans (7/14-7/21)
7/14- 7/21 Week's Workout Schedule This week's workout schedule is kind of a random mess but here it is- I usually aim to strength train (total body) at least three times a week. I read somewhere that strength training three times a week is for maintenance, four times a week is for some progress, and […]
A Delicious Health Cookie Recipe
Uncle Paul's Famous Health Cookie Recipe Every time I go over to my aunt and uncle's house I always head straight for the cookie jar. This is because WITHOUT FAIL it will have always have "health cookies" in it! I get so excited, I literally PLAN on having AT LEAST one, more than likely TWO […]
Satisfying the Panera Egg Sandwich Craving
Satisfying the Panera Egg Sandwich Craving Lunch today was not stellar, but as I guess they can't all be winners. The tortilla soup was good and so were the veggies, but the flatbread was not so good. I ate about ½ of one of those pieces. Then I had the rest of my bag of […]
A Morning Moment of Thankfulness
Good Morning! Isn't this beautiful? I took this picture yesterday from the top floor of the hospital. It was overcast and the flag was billowing in the wind. It reminded me to stop for a moment and be so thankful of all the opportunities I've had in my life and all the graces that God […]
Being Flexible
Being Flexible with Meals & Workouts Since yesterday was kind of a fiber bomb of a day (between the chia, vegetables, and high fiber tortilla) I thought I might give my tummy a little break. I chopped up an apple and topped it with almond butter and cinnamon. Then I microwaved the whole thing for […]
Splitting Dinner into 2 Mini Meals- Pre & Post Workout
Happy Wednesday! source I hope everyone has a good Wednesday, remember after today it's all smooth sailing till the weekend! Let me catch you up on yesterday afternoon & evening... Daytime Eats Around Noon yesterday I had some almonds to tied me over till lunch. I ate about ½ this bag and some water. I […]
Chocolate Chia Protein Pudding & Green Juice
Chocolate Chia Protein Pudding Today I broke free of the unexciting food rut! This morning I had chocolate chia protein pudding and it was delicious! The bonus is, I actually made this last night so it was ready to go for this morning. All I had to do was add the yummy toppings! Here is […]
Crazy Hill Treadmill Workout & Veggie Pizza for Dinner
Man, I REALLY feel for people that have super long daily commutes or have to drive long distances back home frequently. I can definitely feel how much stiffer I am from the multiple trips I've been taking back to Arizona. I'm in serious need of a super long yoga sesh! Anyways, on the way to […]
Getting Too Predictable
A Predictable Day This morning started off with another Almond Butter Fruit Wrap stuffed with as much of an apple I could get in the wrap (I used a large one today), a tablespoon of raisins, and a big ol' scoop of almond butter. I ate the rest of the apple with a little more […]