I know it's Friday Favorites Day, friends, but Friday Favorites is coming on Saturday this week. I just couldn't get it quite done, but this post I had scheduled for next week is done. Is that the best organization? No, but it is what it is because I've got to head out and get KJ from school and get to Costco before there is mutiny in the house for no snacks. So, you are getting boo boo today and Thanksgiving recap and what I bought on black Friday tomorrow (Saturday)! I don't know where this week went. Honestly, I don't. I also just realized I'm without childcare for the entire Christmas break. Thank God for the gym childcare, which is 2.5 hours a day, and for the naps. More next week for those of you who are here only for the recipes!
We call you baby boo boo, a nickname daddy gave you that stuck. But man, you are anything but a baby anymore. You are a full-fledged toddler with real ponytails (vs the baby stub ponytails); you are walking, running, and have many opinions. Not a ton has changed since your 15-month update. But I did them every three months until 18 months with the boys, so I wanted to make sure I did a post for you, too!
You are still constantly moving, you're saying new words all the time, and you're becoming your own little person more and more every day. You are very outgoing and love to say hi/bye to random people when we are out. But you still love your brothers more than anything in the whole world. You can get your oldest brother to do just about anything for you. You know just how to melt his heart. Your second oldest brother is a little less likely to bend to your whims, though, but under the right circumstances, it can happen.
You don't know your size or age; you are just one of them, ready to play. You love to wrestle with them, and they are good at being gentler with you most of the time. You can climb anything, it's a little scar. And you can ride just about anything with a wheel. Your grandma got you your own pink plasma car at 16 months old, and you took off. The boys couldn't ride it till closer to two! Sometimes, I see what people mean when they say God selected confident children for certain roles in the family. And I know that birth order also encourages certain aspects of personalities to come out more than other. (IE my friend who had a chill baby and toddler became the oldest of 5 and is no longer chill but more of a dictator.) But, my kids, including you, boo boo, seem hand-picked for their role.
Millennial moms you see it right? She looks like a college millennial, just replace the juice box with alcohol or coffee lol The boots with the fur, the matching sweat suit, the college beanie, I think this is my favorite photo ever.
You are average height and average weight, 24lb. Our new pediatrician doesn't give out printed sheets with percentiles, so I don't know what percentiles exactly. She just said average. I have no complaints about your eating style. If you aren't feeling well, you're pickier but love everything. Mainly, you want to eat what Mommy eats. You ate a whole breakfast burrito the other day . We won't do that again because of sodium, but you are a good eater. You also get a lot more processed food than the boys do. I constantly find myself saying, I would have never given the boys that as you are chowing on a cookie, breakfast burrito, or whatever. (see below for Aunt Megan shooting whip cream into your mouth on Thanksgiving.)
You said "potty" the other day when I was encouraging your brother to use the restroom and walked over to the potty. Then motioned you wanted to sit on the potty, so I took off your diaper, and you peed in the potty. While I'm not in a hurry to potty train you, I can't say I wasn't impressed. I have had friends of girls say that they "essentially potty trained themselves," but I didn't believe it. Now I'm like, well, maybe they did!
I don't know what's more fun, picking out clothes for you or your interest in them when you get something new. You love trying new outfits and seem excited when you get new clothes. I can't lie; dressing you every day is one of the highlights of my day . Gauging by your interest in clothes, it probably won't be long before you want to pick out your own clothes, so I'm enjoying it as I can.
You are understanding more and more every day. You picked up on routines, like when I said something about walking Nala, and you brought me the leas . You are starting to enjoy certain books where, as before, I couldn't sit long enough to look at one. You love the Loveevery book Bedtime for Zoe. You are also talking more and more every day, most recently changing from your classic head nod to saying "ya" like Mommy does.
You love to carry around and drink from everyone's water except your own. You also love to carry around shoes, too, and you've started trying on everyone's shoes in the house. You are equal parts: Daddy's girl and Mama's girl. While the boys were more Mamaccentric at this stage, you have always been more willing to hang out with Daddy. Mr. Hungry regularly says the boys never let me rock them like this; he loves it, and you have him eating out of the palm of his hand.
You had a bit of a sleep regression, and we are working through it; it's pretty typical for an 18-month-old. You catch more colds than the boys did because you have older siblings to bring them home (and see the water comment above.) Which means you need more help at night when you aren't feeling good, but that's okay.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention you have the same love for kitty that your brothers had at this age. But, you are also the most gentle with Nala, except when she steals your food.
I'm having so much fun getting to see your personality come through and glimpses of who you will be. I love you so much baby, I can't believe the next post I write you will be TWO. I think you turning two is going to hit me like a ton of bricks! Love you sweet girl.
- Loveevery Toys and sets handed down from brothers
- Baby Einstein Toy
- Burt’s Bees Sleepsack
- Hatch Rest +
- Nuna Exec Car Seat
- Newton Baby Mattress
- Baby Splat Mat
- Stroller Lite (I still use the Doona a lot, but if we are gonna be out somewhere for more than 20 minutes, I use the umbrella stroller since it seems more comfortable. )
- Kitchen Helper Stool
- Plasma car
- Bob Double Stroller Revolution (we got it off offer up)
Past Updates:
For reference KK at 18 months and KJ at 18 months, man they are all so different! Check out my baby archives with gift guides, favorite items, updates for all the kids, and more!
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