Guess who is double digits!?!?
Brother 1 at 10 months | Brother 2 at 10 months
The bigger the bow, the better, I always say!
We finally got you in for your nine-month well check, which mostly consisted of your doctor treating an ear infection #thirdchildlife. But, we got some measurements on you, and just like your brothers, you are taller than average, in the 80th percentile for height, about 28.5 inches. Around the 30th percentile for weight (at about 18 lbs.) Like your brothers, you didn't even get close to doubling your weight by six months, and you likely won't triple your weight by a year (that would require you to gain 6lbs in two months) like they say breastfed babies should. I supplemented you with formula sooner and more often than the boys, and you ended up just about the same as them, thanks to frequently refusing the bottle and/or formula/breast milk supplement. I'll be glad to do away with bottles in two months, and I think you will, too. You were never really thrilled with them!
Baby girl, you have had a world of fun this past month. You started with an adorable inchworm crawl that turned into a crawl on all fours within a week! You were fast at that one. You started waving hi to people and doing "hi-fives," the same thing in your mind. You were kind of clapping for a hot second, but recently, you have been more interested in crawling, moving around, and dancing than clapping.
You can also imitate a lot of words. I've heard you say apple for applesauce, muahhhh for more, nana for banana, itty for kitty, and Ya for ya. You've babbled Mama but aren't saying it consistently. You are still saying Dada consistently, though! You are experimenting with a lot of sounds and doing a lot of babbling.
You're still nursing around six times a day. Wake up before and after naps, plus at bedtime. You sleep through the night unless you are teething or sick. And since you have two older brothers, you are sick more often than not, so you don't always sleep through the night. It's okay! I have no plans to "cut off" nursing, but I expect we will go about a year or so like I did with your brothers. By the way, I can't believe it's only two months until your first birthday!
I love that you are already trying to play with your brothers. I love that you're not afraid to tell them when they get too crazy for you but that you are mostly excited to jump into the craziness. I love the way you hang out, watching everything around you. And when you try to wiggle down to play, and I won't let you, you've mastered the boo boo powdy face.
You light up our days! I love your throaty laugh, your two little tiny bottom teeth, dressing you in over-the-top girlie outfits, the way you smile when you see someone you know, and your attitude when you don't get your way. (I'm sure I won't always love the tude, but it's pretty cute right now.) I thank God every day you came to make our family complete.
I love you little baby boo boo!
Food Likes:
- Healthy Waffles
- Baby French Toast
- Bagels and cream cheese
- Salmon
- Chicken
- Avocadoes/Avocado toast
- Butter Toast
- Mozarella
- Mangos
- Blueberries
- Bananas
- Oatmeal with peanut butter and banana
- Bambas
- Teething crackers
- Rice
- Broccoli
- Asparagus
- Green Beans
- Baby muffins
- Applesauce
- Noodles
- Beef
- Pork
- Brisket
Food Dislikes:
- Tortillas
- Hummus
- Eggs
Activity Likes (pretty much the same as last month):
- Grabbing your feet
- Pulling off socks
- Being held
- Being in the carrier
- Your brothers are making funny noises
- Any package that crinkles
- Riding in the car
- Riding in the stroller
- Watching your brothers play
- The Kitty
- The activity center
- Mommy singing
- Playing with toys
- Swings - YOU LOVED THIS!
- Baths
- When you can see Mommy, but she isn't holding you
- When Mommy leaves the room
- New people (they scare you now)
- The bouncer --> it'y gone from your life now!
- Loveevery Toys
- Baby Einstein Toy
- Crinkle Bags
- Burt's Bees Sleepsack
- Graco Pack N Play
- Dr. Browns Narrow Glass Bottles
- Bobbie Gentle Formula
- Portable sound machine
- Hatch Rest + (gifted to us)
- Doona Carseat –> The one big purchase I made for baby 3!
- Baby Brezza Sterilizer
- Ergo 360
- Newton Baby Mattress
- Baby Splat Mat
- Grapple Highchair Toy
- Stroller Lite (I still use the Doona a lot, but if we are gonna be out somewhere for more than 20 minutes, I use the umbrella stroller since it seems more comfortable. )
- I'm not pumping much these days anymore! Only if I really, really have to so I took that stuff off the list!
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