Merry Christmas Eve and Merry Almost Christmas! I woke up super early this morning to get to crossfit, I was just going to workout on my own after work but the gym owner urged me to come and said he'd cut me lose 10 minutes early so I could get ready for work. I was worried I wouldn't get a good workout in leaving 10 minutes early, ya that was wrong.
So the workout went like the 12K's of Christmas song. Start with 1 push jerk, then 2 front squats & 1 push jerk, then 3 power cleans, 2 front squats, and one push jerk etc..... I got through the pull up round in 23 minutes before I had to go, I was dripping sweat and not worried AT ALL about doing the last round.
Push Jerks, Front Squats, Power Cleans & Deadlifts were done with 43lbs. KB swings with 25lb kettle bell (I decided I hate kettle bell swings.)
OF COURSE, I got home only to find that I left my cell phone there, luckily the gym is really close to my apartment so I rushed back and forth to get it. Somehow (by not washing my hair) I still made it out the door even a couple minutes early. Plus traffic wasn't bad since a lot of people didn't have to work today.
For breakfast I had two cuties plus leftover breakfast chicken sausage, onions, shitake mushrooms, spinach, and sweet potato hash. I also had my coffee with mint chocolate coconut milk in it. MMMMMM YUUUMMMMM
When I got home I first put 15 sweet potatoes in the oven to roast.
Then I made some green juice and had a cranberry white chocolate cookie (and a half) #balance?
The green juice was the normal green juice with an extra cucumber, I'll definitely put up the cookie recipe sometime soon because it was delicious too!
Now it's time to go make some clean eating sweet potato casserole and shower! Tonight we are making a gingerbread house as the last "to do" item from the advent jar, having tamales, cookies, and going to midnight mass. Tomorrow we are RELAXING, OPENING PRESENTS, AND EATING! I hope everyone has an amazing and very Merry Christmas and I'll be back on Thursday with lots of fun recaps and recipes!!!!!!!!!!
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