Hey, Friends! Man, it's been a crazy crazy crazy couple of days! I'm sure most of you are feeling the craziness too, right right? I'm not going out of town but I know many of you are so I thought I'd put together a list of healthy traveling tips.
- Pack Healthy Travel Snacks. Don't live and die by the snacks you can find at the airport, bring some with you! Save your indulgences for all the yummy things that wait for you when you get to the destination, don't waste your splurge in the airport.
- Supplement Consistently. Chances are that your diet won't' be as plentiful in brightly colored vegetables as it could be during this time so be sure to continue to fill the nutritional gaps and keep your immune system strong. As a baseline for everyone, including myself, I recommend a high-quality Multi-Vitamin and Fish Oil.
- Nurture your digestive system. Since 80% of immunity is found in the gut, it is crucial to maintaining a healthy digestive system while you travel. You will be introducing it to foods that you may not normally eat, make sure to include prebiotic (fiber rich foods) and probiotic sources yogurt, kefir, and/or supplement with probiotics.
- Eat enough Protein. In the time of rich in carbohydrates and treats, we need to make sure we are eating enough protein. When we are exposed to potential irritants or invaders (like when we travel) immune cells multiple in response. For that process to be efficient protein status must be plentiful.
- Drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day. Did you know that dehydration is a huge cause of fatigue? Fight travel fatigue and dehydration (especially if you plan on having a few drinks) by staying hydrated.
- Squeeze in quick workouts. You don't' have to go all out, but a sweat session can get the blood pumping and boost immunity. (Check out this Pinterest board for inspiration!)
- Sanitize Often. In addition to a hand sanitizer, bring sanitizer wipes for communal surfaces like the tray tables on airplanes.
- Fight Stress. Find time for yourself every day, even if it's only 5 minutes. Here are some suggestions!
Ty Cobb says
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