Hi, friends! I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July, I sadly did not even stay up late enough to see fireworks. I'm sure that surprises everyone since my bedtime is 8 pm! In case you missed it yesterday during all the festivities I did announce the giveaway winners in this post!
Thanks for all your comments on the new before 40 bucket list, I'm excited to try new things and really begin a new chapter of my life. Two years ago, I read my favorite book in the world that changed my life. I went from being a negative person to finding the freedom in enjoying life and all its experiences.
I let go of so much fear, self-hate, and self-consciousness that had plagued me my whole life. I gained freedom, physical health, mental health, and became a truly happy person. I still struggle with anxiety sometimes, but even that has improved. Of all things, I was surprised to learn how much I could enjoy the success I was having at the moment, even if it wasn't the magnitude I had dreamed of.
In my 30's I hope to keep living in the moment, keep enjoying the process, and being grateful for every opportunity given to me. Like seeing one of my best friends on my birthday! My friend Kelsey (she's made several appearances here at HH including our wedding, story of my tattoo, trips to San Franciso, and her bachelorette party) is moving accross the country from San Francisco to New Orleans! She arranged it so that on her drive she could spend my birthday with me!
30th Birthday Recap
I woke up around 6 am and took Nala to the dog park, where it was apparently, "hump Nala day". After 30 minutes of continual humping we left. I came home and made a green smoothie and photographed a pumpkin chocolate chip cookie recipe for my maternity leave this fall. I also got in a quick workout (will share on Friday).
Kelsey, Hubs, and their sweet little dog Bourbon got in around 12 pm. Unfortunately, Bourbon was super thrilled with Nala but we made it work! We spent the afternoon chatting away and hanging out by the pool. I was supposed to be at/in their wedding but had to bow out because of pregnancy travel issues with my back. So, they showed me their wedding video and told me all about it which totally made me tear up but it was the best. I'm so glad I got to watch it!
When Mr. Hungry got off work we headed out to Aunt Chilada's for a Mexican Food dinner! Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures of dinner but we did get a kind of crappy picture of the four of us! The food was DELICIOUS though! I highly recommend going there if you are looking for good Mexican food in Arizona. I mean there are so many good Mexican food places in AZ but this is one that takes reservations and is definitely at the top of my list!
Kelsey, Myles, and Bourbon hit the road early the next morning and I got to work.
Fourth Of July Recap
I didn't take a ton of pictures for the Fourth of July. I mostly spent the day on a raft with the pool listening to country music, so basically, it was the best! Oh ya.... and posing for photos with my beloved treat for the day - a drumstick (or maybe I had two... you know because I'm not drinking...)
We had friends come over to grill around noon. We grilled tri-tip, chicken sausage, and Teton water 100% beef hot dogs (from Costco). We also ate a ton of my homemade salsa too!
One set of friends left around 2 pm and another came over around 3 pm. I hung out in the pool until around 5:30 pm when I got super tired. I came inside and watched BBT until my eyes got super heavy around 8 pm. Then it was off to bed, it was a super relaxing day, just what I needed!
(Dress is from my latest Stitchfix maternity box! You can see it on my IG stories!)
My dollar hat from Target has definitely seen better days haha!
Alright, I'm off, I'll see you guys tomorrow for the usual Friday Favorites!
Susie @ Suzlyfe says
Happy birthday! And spending it with your best friends and mexican food is pretty perfect in my book. Also, I want that cone. You look GORGEOUS and glowy and I love it 😀
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
It was so good! We ate the entire box in about 2.5 seconds lol