Happy New Year's Eve friends! I hope whatever you do tonight you have a safe fun night! On the survey, many of you shared your New Years Goals many of which included getting more consistent with eating healthier. I know that many of you are looking for a way to start the New Year off with a little boost, that's why I'm popping in today to share with you the WTE? Meal Plans the first challenge of the year! Get the deets below!
The holidays are a time for staying up late, wrapping presents, enjoying extra glasses of wine, never skipping dessert, and spending time with loved ones. But, now that the holidays are behind us you might be left feeling a little sluggish.
Many people turn to extreme detox methods in an attempt to "clean out" their bodies from all the holiday indulgences. This is counter-intuitive because the stress caused on your body from these extreme methods only furthers your sluggish feelings. Instead of renewing your body and energy levels, extreme methods (juice cleanses, crazy eliminations, restricting calories too low etc.) put unneeded additional stress on your body.
You don't actually need extreme measures that cut out a million foods to detox your body! Instead, what you need to do is eat more of the right foods, REAL FOODS! That's why WTE? Meal Plans is hosting a real food challenge for our VIP members! The challenge will run January 7th - January 27th and be complete with check-ins, giveaways, and all the motivation you need!
Here is the challenge:
- Consume ½ your body weight in fluid ounces of water daily.
- Do not drink alcohol.
- Consume 5 cups of non-starchy vegetables per day.
- Do not consume foods with artificial sweeteners or nonnutritive sweeteners (like monk fruit, stevia, etc.)
- Eat only WHOLE FOODS - no bars, powders, or packaged foods! This includes limiting baking your own goods, instead of a homemade "energy bite" opt for an apple and a slice of cheese or a handful of almonds.
The goal is to increase the amount of nutrient-dense foods you eat (high-quality protein, produce, and fluids) while limiting the stress-inducing foods including sweeteners, preservatives, alcohol, and additives.
Need help staying on track? WTE? Meal Plan subscribers will receive the following for their challenge:
- Weekly Real Food Meal Plans with shopping lists! (Just like every week but these plans will be challenge compliant aka real food ONLY!)
- Group nutrition coaching on the WTE? Meal Plans subscribers facebook groups and scheduled facebook lives to ask questions!
- Weekly Giveaways! Each week participating members will have the chance to win a small gift every time they check in on the facebook group!
To be eligible for all the extra challenge support become a WTE? Meal Plans subscriber here! For this challenge both monthly and annual subscribers are eligible!
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