Mon 12/21 - OFF Travel
Tues 12/22- 20 Minute SUPER QUICK Circuit Workout (I don’t remember exactly but it involved lunges, push ups, skaters, and squat jumps) literally in my in laws bedroom floor....
Wed 12/23- OFF
Thurs 12/24- 9 Mile Run --> recapped our run in the ran!
Fri 12/25- OFF
Sat 12/26 4.4 Mile Run
Sun 12/27- 45 Minutes Elliptical in California before we went to the airport, I think that was enough elliptical to last me a year. How did I used to spend hours on this thing before, my calves were super sore the next day though!
- 10 minutes steady
- 20 minutes 45sec hard/ 45 sec easy
- 12 minutes 1min easy, 1 min moderate, 1 min hard
- 3 minute cool down
Mon 12/28
At Home Workout- Mostly Upper Body
Tues12/29- 3.1 Mile Run
Wed 12/30 OFF
Thurs 12/31- 4 Mile Run---> last run of the year recapped here!
Fri 1/1- OFF
Sat ½ 10 Mile Run ---> long run recapped on Monday 🙂 I forgot to add the picture they took of us before we ran.... can you guess which one I am? The human light saber...
Yep… a total disregard for strength training (I broke my rule from yesterday's tips for new runners!) I didn’t realize it was that bad till I put together this post… wonder my body was acting up, #personaltrainerfail I’m getting back too it ASAP, now I’m definitely motivated… I already got two sessions in the books on Monday and Tuesday! If the rain holds out I've got a track workout tonight....
Also, check out 87 Best Photo's of 2015 by the Pavement Runner, it's awesome!
Links of possible interest:
31 Day Clean Eating Meal Plan via Fitfluential
10 Week Workout Plan via Fitlfuential
All Purpose Vinaigrette via Bon Apetit
Questions of the day:
What are your fitness goals for 2016?
What was your favorite workout of 2015?
How do you keep track of your workouts?
On the blog and in a little notebook, I just bought two mini notebooks from Safeway for 3 bucks a piece, one for workouts and one for food journaling. I don't always food journal, sometimes I just take pictures, sometimes I doodle in it and sometimes I write down what I eat, especially when I'm heavily training... it's easy to overdo it!
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