5:57AM Wake up, realize how much later it is than usual, jump out of bed and hit the ground running. 10 press ups to stretch out my back, brush my teeth, put my sunscreen moisturizer on and head downstairs.
6:15AM check to make sure my post is up and check my schedule/email. It's getting late so I decide to take Nala on a walk ASAP
6:30-7:10 walk Nala about 2 miles, come back and feed her. Make a hot coffee with a cap full of half and half (isn't that how everyone measures their cream?) and 1 scoop collagen
7:10 I drink my coffee and work away at my computer. Check and respond to urgent emails, social media messages, and blog comments. Scheduled like a million pins using my favorite scheduler, tailwind. Trying to decide whether I should fit in my workout before or after I meet with my client, ultimately I'm in the work groove so I decide after.
8:45 My stomach loudly announces it hasn't been fed yet and so I make an epic egg sandwich. Afterward, I get ready the rest of the way and head out to meet my client.
10-11 I meet with my client at Whole Foods.
11 After our meeting I do a little shopping, I grab a banana, two plantains, and some sweet potatoes.
11:15 I eat the banana while driving home. On the way home I slightly crash, I'm super tired and trying to rally to workout.
11:50 I get home and our sprinklers are broken, I spent the next 15 minutes on face time with Mr. Hungry trying to figure out how to override them so they will shut off. Remember when we had the back yard blocked off to preserve the grass, clearly that worked well. (Insert sarcasm.)
12:10 I eat a peanut butter oatmeal ball (good but too salty of a recipe for the blog) and some protein fudge. Then I head upstairs to change and workout.
12:20 Workout! Whooppee got it done and it felt great - here is what I did:
Form Cues:
Pull Ups - Eccentric
Focus on the slowing the bottom half of the movement as much as possible taking at least 5 seconds to return to the bottom of the position. Use a pull-up machine or band to help you control your movement.
Bicep Curl to Arnold Press
Beging feet with a part, shoulders back and brace your core. Holding dumbbells and keeping your elbows at your sides, face your palms up and curl your hands in toward your shoulders. Then begin to lift your hands in front of your face until they are above your eyes. Continue to lift as your hands pressing above as you rotate your palms facing away from you until you press all the way overhead. Reverse the movement coming back down. Be sure to have a strong core and do not arch your lower back. If you feel yourself starting to arch your lower back you can stagger your stance. If you still can't stop arching the lower back chose a lower weight.
Decline Push Ups
Place feet on a bench or stool and get into a high plant position. Make sure to keep a strong back and do not let your lower back sag. Lower down and press back up being mindful to keep a strong core.
Tricep Dips
Begin by facing away from the bench and supporting yourself with your hands. Legs can be bent with feet planted on floor for more support or to make it harder straighten legs out in front of you. Keeping your back and butt as close to the bench as possible lower down as far as possible and come back up. Do not arch through the lower back.
Straight Leg Kick Downs
Lay flat on floor with hands behind head, at your sides, or under your glutes. Engage your core so that your lower back is flat on the ground. Raise your legs up to 90 degrees and slowly lower to the ground keeping your low back on the ground.
Supine Row On Bench
Place bench at 60-degree angle and raise bottom seat (if it raises) to 45 degrees. Lay face down on the bench with knees up holding two dumbbells straight down. Pull shoulder back and down and bring dumb up toward to your sides. Remember to hold elbows in close to your body.
Ab- Bikes
Lay flat on your back with your hands behind your head. Keeping one leg straight and 2 inches off the ground, bend the other knee into your chest. Bring the opposite elbow to meet the knee and switch. Move quickly but with control.
Plus this cardio.
Not sure why my snaps show up as Kelli Shallal MPH RD and not Hungry Hobby, anyone know?
1:20 Refuel with this Vital Protein Chocolate Shake I got at blogfest from my friends at Vital Protein - I shared my thoughts on snapchat (hungryhobbyrd) then I headed upstairs to put laundry away. I always say I'm going to put it away when I get done working for the day, but I usually end up working until 9 or so. At which point I drink Natural Calm and go to bed, so it sits out for the whole week. This time, I got it done!
1:45 I grind coffee, brew it in the percolator I got for my birthday for iced coffee for tomorrow.
1:55 Instead of sticking to what I had planned to do I decide to make the rest of Mr. Hungry's breakfast this week. It is an old recipe that I wanted to re-make and photograph for the blog: Chocolate Sun Butter Chia Pudding with an added scoop of collagen.
Um, btw that was a TERRIBLE idea, I was dripping sweat and miserable the whole time. Who thinks it is a good idea to photography outside when it's blazing hot? It was so hot outside the dog wouldn't even come outside with me, so there is that. Oh well, breakfast ready for the week!
3:10 Come inside and clean up. Realize I never ate a true lunch unless you count banana + oatmeal ball + protein fudge + sun butter + bites of chia pudding. I eat some chicken salad with mashed white kidney beans straight out of the bowl. Put everything away and get back to my computer
3:20 Respond to emails and work on yesterday's Healthy Peanut Butter Cookie Bars post.
4:40 I have to shut off my computer and walk away from it to let it cool down, I thought it was going to melt on me. I did the dishes while I waited for that and made a snack. Eat carrots and yogurt hummus plus more bites of chicken salad and ham until post.
5:00 Eat carrots and yogurt hummus plus more bites of chicken salad and ham while waiting for my computer to cooperate and finally, finish the post.
6:00 Heat up leftover Zucchini Noodle Casserole with Italian Chicken leftovers plus veggie bites from Costco and some salad. I was starving, maybe because lunch was never a real thing yesterday!
6:30 we clean up kitchen together and feed pup pup
6:45 I start working on this post and edit and insert chia pudding photos into the old post.
8:15 Game of Thrones time!
9:15 Lights out!
Linking up with Peas & Crayons via Sprint 2 The Table for WIAW!
Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious says
Girl what were you thinking outside photography? OMG...I would have died. It's so humid this week too. It really needs to rain good soon.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
I know right? I just do things when I feel like it but trust me after 2 mins out there I was like I do not feel like this anymore!
Emily says
Wow, it sounds like things are pretty sweltering out there! Aren't you thankful for A/C on those days? 🙂 And you're pretty brave to get out there and shoot a recipe in the blazing sun. During the summer I like to just workout inside with the fan blowing at full speed. 😀
Patricia @Sweet and Strong says
I was trying to photos outside the other day too b/c the lighting is bad in our townhouse, when I came in I was drenched, lol. Everything you ate looked so yummy, I pinned that zucchini recipe and can't wait to try it =)
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
We are warriors!!!!!! No weather is going to slow us down! I hope you enjoy it we've made it twice now!
Simon Lover says
Supersets are an awesome time saving way to get in an incredibly effective workout. In this routine we re going to be giving the upper body muscles a break by working our abs and obliques.