Things I Hate and Love
We have been putting a couple drops of stevia in Paul's green juice which he likes much better. This morning he said, "I hate this juice, a salad in a cup grosses me out, but I love it because I know how good it is for me." I almost spit out my juice laughing so hard. Then it got me thinking of some things I hate and love at the same time.
1. Yoga
I have to FORCE myself to do yoga. Usually what happens is I spend all day saying that I am gonna do it, then it doesn't happen. I hate it and love it because it is slow paced but such a feel good stretch. I'm always thankful when I do even just a little bit of yoga.
2. Foam Roller
IT Band, enough said.
3. Coffee/Caffeine
Ya this is how I feel. I love coffee especially flavored coffee, but I hate feeling like I have to have a cup to make it through the day which is too often the case.
4. Getting Up For An Early, AM Sweat Sesh
This pretty much sums it up perfectly. Getting up early and working out kind of sucks, but the reward is getting the rest of the day without having to think about fitting it in. It's done and your proud of yourself for getting up early and working hard.
5. Getting Ready
My hair is bleach blonde, it takes forever to style. I hate it, so boring... but its better than looking like a hot mess all day. So I suck it up and listen to some songza to entertain me.
6. Painting My Nails
Not my nails but could be, sitting and not doing something long enough to paint my nails doesn't happen, hardly ever. All the pictures of my hand from when Paul proposed can pretty much verify that. I'm so envious of my future sister in law that makes her nails look amazing, like art design status. Sometimes I can get her to do mine, but then she has to keep me entertained long enough to let them dry.
7. Meditation
Yep, again, this is EXACTLY how I feel. I found that 5 minutes a day benefits me and is doable.
8. Planks
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Planks are hard, but they also make your abs hard, so I hate and love them.
9. Storms
Scary and so awesome, especially Arizona Monsoons.
10. my iphone
I hate it when it doesn't work, when I get distracted on it, when I can't pull myself from it, when it doesn't work and a million other times. But I love the GPS and all the cool things you can do on it, I'm literally lost without it.
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