Yesterday was crazy and the week isn't slowing down any time soon. I feel like I'm in the groove with work snacks and meals though. I'm still loving drinking my protein shake with protein, dynamic greens, cashew milk and ice on the way to work. It's simple and delicious, what more could you ask for? Oh ya, it's portable!
Around 10-11 I have a UCAN bar which holds me over almost as long as I need it too, which is fantastic because sometimes that is an hour and sometimes it's quite a bit longer.
Yesterday it somehow held me over till 2pm, when I had time to gobble up some yogurt in before going to the chiropractor. Mondays are always super busy but they FLY by. It seems like I'm walking in and the next thing I know I'm walking out and it's already 8:30pm. I'll take a super quick long day over a short day that feels like it never ends any day!
Over the weekend TEAM KELLI did this work out which was definitely challenging in a different way than your typical high intensity heart pounding endorphin producing crazyness. This workout challenged, strength, stability and endurance. Specifically targeting the glutes and core for the ultimate burn.
You could easily do this on your own just do 1-2 minutes of the partner 2 exercise!
Contralateral Lunges --> Walking, switch the weight in the hand each step/lunge
Have a great day and let me know if you try it!
[…] There & Back Workout […]