Hey guys sorry no post for the last couple days. Tuesday was crazy busy and last night technology was not being my friend, let's be honest, it never will be. Technology hates me, I've come to accept it and deal with it as best I can. On a happier note, this morning started off with 40 minutes on the stairmaster, LISS cardio done!
Then a walk with pup pup, she is doing so much better in training, I know a update is long overdue one is coming soon!
Still rocking the D.TOX smoothies, this morning's version was ½ cup berries, ½ frozen banana, mediclear and fibermend. I was out of almond milk so I just used water and ice.
Many of you have asked what I'm eating on D.TOX because all you've seen on the blog is shakes and I'm still dong the chia pudding for the second serving.
Tomorrow's post I will recap some of my favorite D.TOX foods, meals, snacks and treats. Hopefully that will help anyone following the program to have some ideas! Eating out is DEFINITELY the most challenging part, I just do my best and don't worry about it. We went to Zoe's Kitchen the other night and I got kabobs which I know were probably marinated with sugar containing sauces, but I skipped cheese and the bread and opted for hummus. Do the best you can, stress is definitely not helpful in aiding the body in detoxification!
Today is Day 10 which means only four days left! So far I feel like this D.TOX has gone so much better than the last one. It might have been the fact that I'm not doing it alone (other trainers and clients are doing it as well) or maybe it's my mindset is in a better place. Either way, I feel like I've only had a couple days where I was like "ugh, gross, don't want to do this" but other than that not so bad!
Question of the day:
What is one piece of technology you couldn't live without?
GPS, I have the sense of direction of a two year old. In fact I know 2 years olds who have better directional skills. I NEED GPS, when my phone goes out of GPS I'm lost, even in my own neighborhood.
What is one piece of technology you would gladly get rid of?
Alarm clocks? What if we didn't have to have those? That would be AWESOME!
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