Hi, friends! This post was originally written back in 2014, so I'm guessing 90% of you haven't seen it. Back then my MIL and one of my besties, Alyssa, were the only ones following me. Maybe two others stopped by on accident, haha, back in the day blogging! With fall fast approaching (the schools in my neighborhood started August 3rd) I know many of you are dealing with changing schedules.
Maybe without having to drop the kids at school, you were able to work out in the morning all summer but now you can't. Maybe traffic gets heavier so you have to leave earlier. Whatever the case, a lot of people have no choice but to work out in the evening, especially in the fall so I thought this would be a good post to share today!
A little background, when I originally wrote this post I was working at WIC. I would leave the house at 6ish in the morning to get to work by 7. The commute was around 40-45 minutes ON A GOOD DAY, with minimal traffic incidents so I stopped getting up at 4 am and started working out in the evening.
Personally, I prefer to workout in the morning. I love the “I already got my workout feeling” to start the day. Unfortunately, I already get up early to leave the house around 6:30 am, so working out in the morning usually isn't feasible (unless I want to go to bed at 8 pm or something).
Switching to afternoon workouts has been somewhat of a challenge, but it’s been manageable. I put together a few of my tips on how to make sure I follow through and don't end up skipping it!
1. Have a Plan
On Saturday night or Sunday morning, I plan what I’m doing at the beginning of each week so that I don’t have to think about it during the busy work week. When I’m headed to the gym at the end of the day I’ve got one more task to knock off my list for the day and I don’t have to sit around thinking about what I should do.
I also don’t run the risk of blowing it off because “I’ll workout tomorrow.” I know which days I’m doing something and which days I’m resting. I can rearrange my rest day schedule if needed (like if I’m too sore or something truly does come up) but I have something to do every day of the week. Since I’m not asking myself “if I’ll go” or “what I’ll do” I have fewer excuses to skip out on it.
Some things I schedule in:
- types of runs (long, hills, speed etc, use Pinterest for routines)
- strength training (pick workouts off my Pinterest board or use Nike trainer app)
- fitness classes (Zumba, strength, orange theory, boot camp, yoga, etc)
Fun fact: I use to keep “emergency” workout note cards in my car, now my Pinterest app on my phone has gotten rid of the need for that!
(Since this post, I've written an entire post on just how to plan your workout schedule you can actually stick too! Check out that one if you need more tips!)
2. Have a Good Playlist
Whenever I put together a new workout playlist, instead of listening to Pandora or another radio app, I find myself looking forward to the music and my workout. I also find the workout ends up being a little better! (I so need to get a new playlist going right now speaking of that!)
3. Stay Accountable
The best way I stay accountable is by scheduling in classes that cost money (I’ll have to pay even if I miss.) Or sometimes I plan to do a workout with Mr. Hungry or a friend.
Meeting a friend after work is the best motivation to get my workout on! Recording my workouts on the blog and on a notebook also helps motivate me and keeps me accountable. You don't have to blog to stay accountable, just pair up with a buddy and report your workouts!
4. Change BEFORE You Leave Work
Really this one should be number one in my eyes. I bring my gym clothes into work in the morning and change right before I leave. I have never once skipped a workout when I had my gym clothes on after work.
I have skipped workouts when I either A) was driving to the gym but still in my business clothes or B) I had to go home and change into workout clothes (once the shower and PJs are in the line of sight it’s game over).
5. Eat an Hour or Two Before
Morning workouts are easy, half a banana with some almond butter and I’m good to go. To be honest, unless I’m doing a long run or intense cardio I usually don’t eat anything. Afternoon workouts are a whole different ball game.
When I first started switching to afternoon workouts I’d be so hungry in the gym after work I’d be miserable and end up leaving early. Now I’m sure to fuel my workouts with a decent size snack 1-2 hours before leaving for work. This usually means eating a lighter lunch so that I’m hungry for a snack when the time comes.
A few of my favorites:
- quest bars
- banana and peanut/almond/sun butter etc.
- almonds or trail mix (loving coconut sugar lemon almonds recently)
- the other half of lunch (if I bring a big one)
6. Workout in the Morning
I know I know, but I HAD to throw this one in there. To be honest on Fridays the likelihood of me getting in a workout after the workday is over diminishes rapidly. As much as I love working out, pizza, wine, and relaxing call my name Friday at 5.
Therefore, if I have a workout planned on Friday I will sometimes get up at 4 am and get it over with because I just know it either won’t happen (or I’ll hate it) after work!
[Tweet "Need the motivation to make it to your workout this afternoon? Check out these easy tips from @hungryhobby!"]
More Workout Tips:
- Which Workout Is Right For You?
- Exercise 101: Tips for Beginners
- 15 Tips For Running With Your Dog
- Hot Yoga Tips
- What You Need To Know Before You Start Running
- Advice & Tips for Your First Half Marathon
- How To Get 10,000 Steps Per day
- 6 Day Training Split
- Tips To Take Your Workout Outside (Guest Post by Suzie from Suzlyfe)
- High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Training
- Low-Intensity Steady State Training (LISS)
Christina says
Also helps to pack your gym bag the night before!! I do this almost always and it makes a big difference. If you have your clothes, shoes, music listening accessories, and water bottle ready to go, sitting at your door, you CANNOT forget it. Helps SOOOOO much. And, you don't have to rustle around for everything in the morning, risking waking up your significant other.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Oh yeah! That's a good one! I definitely need to pack my gym bag the night before.
Lisa @ Healthy Nibbles & Bits says
I desperately need to be better at waking up early for a workout! My goal this week was to do a 6:30am workout. Embarrassed to say that it hasn't happened yet!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Ha ha try setting your alarm across the room from you. Once I'm standing to shut it off I usually can stay up!
Francesca says
All so helpful and very true!! #4 holds the most weight for me 🙂
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
I would agree that one is the MOST important, driving home from work there is little excuse if you are already in your gym clothes!
Karen Ching says
Accountability is such an important thing especially if you are reaching an important goal 🙂 This is so helpful, thanks for sharing these tips! Love lots, xoxo
Sean Clark says
Such an informative guideline. I really like it. I enjoy the whole article while reading. Keep sharing like this and let us benefited by the valuable information. Thank you.
Sharon says
Great article for everyone who is struggling with the motivation to live a healthy life. It is great for bringing the mind, the body, and the spirit together so we can function properly and live happily. Exercise is the thing which always keeps you fit by physically and mentally.
Thanks so much for the recommendation and help. Now I have more ideas on preparing tips for exercising.
Neil Dimapilis says
thank you for sharing this to us! afternoon workouts are the best in my opinion. besides the fact the you have the gym all to yourself, you can get to focus on yourself more rather than comparing your improvements to others
Holly Martin says
Afternoon workouts are best for those who are a little lazy to wake up early in the morning, at times like me 🙂 And yes, staying accountable is one of the essential things. At times when I feel I don't want to workout, I schedule a visit with my friend for afterwards, so that I have something to look forward to! It's the small things that keep me going 🙂
Lex Reyes says
This is amazing! Thank you for sharing this with us. have't tried working out on afternoons yet since i'm so lazy working out on afternoons
Amazer Me says
Workout is a physical exercise that helps to keep yourself healthy.
Ben says
If I don't work out in the morning before work there is almost no chance it will happen in the afternoon so far. Thanks for the great tips.
Heena Tunge says
This is a great site! Thanks for such good articles. Even I prefer working out in the morning, it is a good time to work out, right?
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says