Today's lunch was another lazy one, a pumpkin pie quinoa bar and today I brought some carrots. It was easy and yummy and hit the spot, BUT its admittedly way better with pumpkin butter on top...
I was starving by the time I left work at 3pm but I had errands to run like pick up shoes for my rehearsal dinner and get veggies for green juice (clearly I didn't plan that well this week.) Here is what I picked up from Sprouts....
Before I even took that picture or put those groceries away I was so hungry I practically dove into a pumpkin green protein smoothie which apparently looked just as yummy to Missy.
After my stomach was settled I did some chores around the house and headed out to Alpha. After a week off I wasn't feeling as motivated as I had in the past, I knew it would be hard and I was right. One week off of weight lifting seem to make my muscles melt away and the trainer showed me almost no Mercy. I felt pretty sore/amazing afterwards though which was all it took to re-spark the Alpha/cross-fit addiction.
Add on a grand finale of 1000 meter row and I was DEAD. The best part? I came home to the smell of Salmon and dinner already made, isn't my future hubby wonderful? I ate mine over salad with some leftovers from yesterday. I also reserved a couple ounces of my salmon for eggs in the morning (even though I could have easily eaten it) but doesn't that sound awesome? I think so.
For dessert I skipped the dates (okay I ate half of one) and went for strawberries and honey instead. Paul and I are TRYING to avoid sugar since we are like 10 days from the wedding. This basically means we can't eat our beloved dark chocolate at night. Technically the honey on the strawberries was cheating too, whoops... so far so good ha ha.
Check out this workout jacket I got from Forever 21 for $24.00 bucks for Hawaii.
Ya there is pretty much no where good in our apartment to take pictures, it is a bummer. Anyway, I wore it tonight just to stay warm (not to work out in) but I've worn it on two runs and it was amazing. Awesome deal! I am kind of freaking out about packing, I have no idea what to bring! Anyone... suggestions for Kauai in November?
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