New Daily Workout Log Page
First thing is first, I set up a Daily Workout Log Page which will provide a record of my daily workouts organized by week, check it out!
I also usually track my workout plans and progress in my notebook-
Side Note Regarding Weighing In:
I used to keep track of my weight next to my calorie intake, but now I don't count calories anymore, so I sometimes write it down in my workout notebook. I find it much more rewarding and healthy to keep track in relation to fitness, rather than eating. It looks like the past couple weeks I stepped on the scale about 4 x a week, that's probably my max. Some weeks I don't weigh myself at all anymore. I use to weigh myself every single day but I find that it can be way to daunting and make me obsess about the wrong things. I usually stick between 2-4 times a week now and that works for me.
If you're trying to lose weight or even just trying to maintain your current weight, I recommend 1-3 times a week is plenty (on non consecutive days). It's enough to see any progress (which is very motivating!) without driving you nuts or creating an unhealthy obsession with the scale.
Canceled Class
Have you ever heard the saying if you want to hear God laugh... tell him your plans... WELL AIN'T THAT THE TRUTH! I took last night off working out, which I rarely ever do, but I was having some weird neck pain. I had planned to do 20 minutes of cardio and take a bodypump class today so I wanted to be well rested with no weird neck pain. Well, the class got canceled... plans squashed.
Before class was supposed to start I did the Quick n' Sweaty Treadmill Workout from I completed the workout almost the same as it is, but I ran at 7.5 instead of 8.0 during the intervals. The workout was a perfect pre class cardio punch with inclines and sweaty high intensity intervals, I racked in 1.8 miles in 20 minutes.
After standing around for 15 minutes the gym staff finally came in to tell us that class was canceled because the instructor had an injury. So, I pulled up the Monsoon Sweat Workout that I did last week and the
300 ABS workout I pinned earlier this week and got down to it! I'm getting so much better at being flexible with my plans! The priority is a good solid workout! Which brings me to my next topic:
4 Easy Ways to Save Workouts for Inspiration Later
1. I pin them to my workouts pinterest board.
2. I save them on my feedly blog feed.
3. I print them/write them down and stick them in my workout notebook.
4. I write them down on a notecard to take to the gym, after I've done it I stick the card in my glove box or in my workout notecard holder.
So I'm never without a workout to do within arms reach, literally!
Next Weeks Workout Plans:
Questions of the day:
How do you pick your workouts?
Do you have a system for saving workouts or coming back to them?
How do you track your progress?
daily exercise at home says
Nice Post keep updating like this,
daily exercise at home