So, I'm the dummy that already published this post trying to hit save. A year of blogging I guess it was bound to happen once!
Happy weekend everyone, I seriously can't believe it is Sunday already! Do I say that every weekend, I think so. Oh well anyways this week I went to Trader Joe's on the way home from my Physical Therapy appointment Saturday morning.
Trader Joes
Missy was VERY interested in the bacon.
After church and before our Sunday brunch I stopped by Sprouts. Yes I know I said I was only going to one store per week like a normal person, but I guess a lied. #lifeofadietitian.
Meal Plan
This week I am determined to change up our meals, which I find kind of challenging with limited use of the oven. We have the Easy Three plan, so we limit use of major appliances from 3 to 6pm, this includes the oven. So keeping that in mind I'm trying to be creative, here is what I've got in mind.
- hard boiled eggs, sweet potato, avocado
- nut butter fruit wraps
- protein shakes
- dinner leftovers
- green chile and cheese frozen breakfast burritos
- vigilant eats superfood cereal
Basically I'm planning to have enough leftovers to take for lunch every day for both of us, no more of this making a separate lunch business. On Saturday, I cooked up some frozen burgers on the George Foreman ... usually I would just cook enough for dinner, but I made all five so we could start the week ready to go!
- dinner leftovers
Sunday (6/8)- Crockpot Thai Chicken (this is smelling up the whole kitchen right now, can't wait!)
Monday (6/9)- Pesto Shrimp Spaghetti Squash
Tuesday (6/10)- Chicken Sausage & Grilled Veggies (Sweet Potatoes and Asparagus)
Wednesday (6/11)- Mahi Burger Lettuce Wraps
Thursday (6/12)- Salmon Salads
Friday (6/13)-Wing it
Saturday (6/14)- Wing it
Fitness Plans
So guess what, I finally saw a Sports MD to see what has been going on with my pain (lower back/hip right side) the last FIVE months. It was amazing news to hear that my injury can probably fully be healed with anti-inflammatories and aggressive physical therapy. Just ONE session with the physical therapist and I was able to sit in an all day conference at the AZAND Annual Meeting with NO pain. That's something I haven't been able to do for a very long time, just sit without pain or having to ice. I did get a little sore on the drive home but anyone gets sore after 10 hours of sitting, so I went on a little (very hot) jog when I got home which also went pretty well. It was also great to hear that physical therapist and chiropractor were on the same exact pain as far as the injury goes. Something to do with my soas and hip flexor muscles being extremely tight resulting in tilting my pelvis forward and causing a pinch in my lower SI joint on the right side. The solution? Calm the injured muscles and strengthen the glutes. With all the progress that has come in the last week, my little heart is beating "half marathon, half marathon, half marathon" and the beating is getting louder and louder. That being said, I'm going to take it super slow. Not push myself before I'm ready, enjoy shorter workouts during the hot summer months 🙂
Sunday (6/8)- Wildcard (I'm thinking maybe Nike Trainer Ap will come to my rescue today!)
Monday (6/9)- Physical Therapy
Tuesday (6/10)- Run & Upper Body Workout
Wednesday (6/11)- Tabatas & Chiropractor
Thursday (6/12)- Run & Upper Body Workout
Friday (6/13)- Quick Legs Workout
Saturday (6/14)- Swim & Physical Therapy
Weekend Photos
It was a pretty low key weekend around the Shallal household, just what we wanted and needed. Last nights dinner was simple and delicious: turkey burger with healthy fried brussel sprouts.
Penetcost Sunday, pictures after mass this morning.
Cooked up a massive brunch with the hubby this morning including grain free pancakes with chia seed jam, uncured bacon, and fruit.
Grabbed some ice coffee at WhereUBean, they have intelligentsia coffee and almond milk so they are pretty much my fav!
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