Hi Y'all, happy Sunday! I hope your having a good one! I also hope you've been enjoying the wedding recaps this weekend, it's been fun finally getting them up. More to come next weekend for sure. In the mean time, here is the plan for this upcoming week.
Grocery Shopping
I don't know about the store by you but the Mahi burgers have been gone for sometime at the one by us, I was SO happy to see them back. I also bought some some cloths from wear me out on special at Costco.
I'm definitely keeping the super comfy pants but I already took the shirt back.
We have tons of frozen protein now from Costco so all we needed was lots of fruits and veggies, plus some dark chocolate to get us through another week.
Meal Plans
Breakfast Options
As usual we have tons of breakfast options but the ones I'm most excited about are:
- Vigilant Eats Cereal<--- came in the mail on Friday, it took a lot of will power to save them for work this week.
- The usual Frozen Breakfast Burritos and Quinoa Bars
- frozen Vans waffles, TJ's yogurt, leftover pancakes, and burritos for Mr. Hungry
Lunch Options
- Chicken Salad/Sandwiches with Deli Meat
- Whatever Dinner Leftovers
Dinner Plans
For the past couple of weeks I haven't been sticking to a daily meal plan for a specific days, instead I made sure I had five meals for the week. This week I have some frigerator ingredients I want to make sure to use so I'm definitely going to try and stick to a meal plan the best I can.
- Sunday- Mahi Burgers & Salad
- Monday- Swirly Crustless Quiche (Practical Paleo) with Broccoli
- Tuesday- Mini Pita Pizzas
- Wednesday- Frozen Burgers (Turkey, Bison, or Salmon) & Healthy Fried Brussel Sprouts
- Thursday- Shrimp and Spinach Omelet (like my Shrimp and Broccoli Omelet)
- Friday- out
- Saturday- wing it
Prep Ahead-
Not much this week, I already made our lunches so I just want to-
- Make Chia Jam
- Wash Fruit (grapes, strawberries, and blueberries)
Fitness Plans
I'm kind of playing this one by ear, I have an appointment with a Sports Medicine MD on Wednesday morning so I'm kind of taking it easy till then. After that I'll base my decisions based on what he says.
- Sunday (6/1)- Pyramid Swim (10,9,8,7,6....1, 10 cool down)--> total 1 mile swim
* Side note/confession, when I have a swim scheduled I hate it and complain about it the whole time until I do it. Then once its over I think how wonderful it was and how good it was for my body. This is pretty much the only activity that I truly dread but then come out on the winning side. Today was no exception, I complained A LOT but once it was over I was pretty happy with my one mile. The soak in the hot tub and larabar reward helped too 😉
- Monday (6/2)- Run & Strength
- Tuesday (6/3)- Rest
- Wednesday (6/4)- Run & Strength
- Thursday (6/5)- Zumba?
- Friday(6/6)- rest (day trip to Tucson for conference)
- Saturday(6/7)- wildcard
That's it for now! Have a wonderful and relaxing Sunday night! I'm half watching the lego movie while I finish some work on the computer and about to make dinner soon since we had such a light lunch.
Any workouts you dread but schedule them anyway?
Yoga use to be like that for me but I'm getting a little better at that one. I noticed I can look forward to 30-40 minute videos tops, any longer than that and I start dreading it.
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