Oh man, this is the SECOND time I'm writing this post. I wrote it last night, and it's now 5 am, I open up my computer to edit it, and it's gone, just gone. So that's a fun way to start my Thursday. ANYWAYS...
I usually record days on Mondays, which are rest days. I'm going to try and do a different day next time I record, but for now, you get our "day in the life" last Monday. Which, by the way, is 100% crappy iPhone photos. This day moved too fast for me to stop and use the fancy camera for photos. So you are getting 100% real-life photos.
Side note - I think it's my job as a Dietitian to make healthy food look good, that's why I take the time to use the fancy camera and get decent pictures of my food for these types of post. On the flip side, I think it's also important as a dietitian blogger to show real life! So let's do a little bit of real-life, shall we?
4:45 AM Alarm goes off, so I trudge out of bed and get ready.
5:00 AM Sit down at my computer to work. Starting my day with an hour of work helps, except when I'm re-writing a post that deleted itself (insert eye roll emoji - technology hates me.)
6:00 AM Baby is up! We start our day off with a diaper change and nursing.
6:30 AM We head out on our walk with Nala
7:00 AM When we get back, I ask Mr. Hungry to take a photo of us for a sponsored Instagram post.
7:15 AM It's breakfast time! Little Man eats peaches and baby muffins (still working on the recipe) while I blend up a smoothie for myself.
While I love my smoothie meal prep recipe, another huge benefit to Smoothiebox is you get 25 smoothies at once. Right, when we ran out of smoothies, another box showed up at my door, and I'm good for the month.
7:45 AM Little man plays in his activity center while I put away dishes and laundry.
8:45 AM We head to the nursery to read books, and then I put him down for his nap.
9:00 AM I sit down at my computer to work until the baby is up.
10:30 AM He wakes up, so I head in to nurse him. We play for a while on the floor in the living room until it's time to head out for his bloodwork appointment (for a food allergy panel.) I also had a snack of a vegan protein shake (Sprouts Brand).
and a piece of toast with peanut butter and banana
11:30 AM I feed him a squeeze pack before we leave, and then we head out.
12:00 AM Arrive at the blood draw place, and they say they don't see my appointment in the system. I'm super annoyed because this place is NOTORIOUS for that. My bad mood was compounded by the fact that my keys got lost in the diaper bag, so I had to sit down on the scalding hot cement while balancing a baby to make sure he doesn't get burned and dig through the bag. Ya, not fun. Once I pack Little Man back up in the car and sit on my phone, reschedule the appointment and take a screenshot of the confirmation.
I decide that I'll be damned if I let going out in the heat be all for nothing. So I hit the Starbucks drive-thru.
And then decide to do my grocery shopping for the week. I usually do it on Wednesdays, but, Motherhood and life are about flexibility, right?. At least that's what I hear, so I'm trying out this whole flexibility thing.
I'm feeling less enraged about the appointment and ass burning sidewalk when we leave Trader Joe's because Little Man loves the grocery store.
1:45 PM Miraculously, he doesn't fall asleep on the way home! I quickly put the groceries away, then put him down for his next nap.
2:00 PM I finally eat lunch! A turkey burger (Columbus brand from Costco in the frozen section), healthy coleslaw, and carrots.
I also cook butternut squash fries we got at Trader Joe's in the instant pot.
Planning enough finger food for the baby is taking some getting used too, especially since he doesn't like to be spoonfed anymore. I try to do "some for me, some for you" but that doesn't always work out because I like salt, ya know? And also, I'm really into crunchy juicy vegetables right now, which also aren't good for him. I'm working at grabbing extra things for him and thinking about what meals he will have for the week, but it's taking some trial and error.
Anyways, I worked at my computer until he was up.
3:45 PM Baby is up, so we nurse and then head into the dining room for his dinner. I feed him a huge mush fest thanks to one ripe avocado and overcooking the butternut squash.
4:00 PM I make dinner while he plays in his activity center.
4:30 PM We play on the living room floor until Mr. Hungry gets home.
5:00 PM Mr. Hungry gets home, I'm not hungry, yet so he eats first.
5:15 PM I clean up from dinner and then eat. I made shrimp tacos, but there was a piece of salmon (all broken up because little man ate some of it) that needed to be finished off, so I ate that instead of shrimp tacos. We call this, taking one for the team.
Okay, I did use the fancy camera to take a picture of dinner because otherwise, it would have looked like cat food, because it was all broken up already. Anyways, this recipe for barbecue salmon foil packets will be up soon! I mean nothing beats tacos, but it was pretty good!
5:45 PM Bath time, followed by books, nursing, and his top off formula bottle.
6:30 PM We watch the Fox News documentary we watch every Monday, News Out.
8:00 PM I do some work, putting together the High Protein Vegetarian Breakfast Round-Up post for Wednesday.
9:30 PM I pump while watching TV. I try to pump every night since I'm not feeding him at night anymore, BUT, it's usually more like every other night.
10:00 PM lights out!
[…] I didn’t record my meals this week, but I did post a full day of eats yesterday! […]