Hi, friends! It's time for another recap! As always, if you are not into the pregnancy stuff no worries, I'll be back tomorrow with the usual stuff!
Week 16
Baby Size: Avocado
Symptoms: This week started terrible. I slept in on Sunday (day 2 of week 16) which meant I went 12 plus hours without eating. I made waffles, but could not eat them. Took one bite and high tailed it for the bathroom. Turns out if my body doesn’t want something it just won’t let me eat it, which I guess is better than eating an entire meal then vomiting it up. But without eating just ends in 30 minutes of dry heaving until I can force a piece of toast down. It was back to cereal and toast, and first trimester foods for that day. The rest of the week was rough on the morning sickness front, I was on the struggle bus every morning trying to get it under control. By 10 am though I was usually fine, so that’s good.
Currently Missing: Meat. I want to want meat and then I look at, and it doesn’t appeal to me AT ALL. I really can’t believe it’s still going on through 16 weeks; it scares me that I’ll never eat meat again. Although, many of my friends have assured me it will pass, just maybe not till after baby is here!
Sleep: Been waking up extremely nauseous at 1-2am. The unisom is still helping me fall back asleep, but for those few minutes I’m awake, it’s no Bueno. Other than that, we are just rolling along. Although, I do wish I could get to the point I don’t need the unisom.
Food Aversions: same - peanut butter and chicken. Two days I ate burgers leftover from Mr. Hungry’s meal prep, and it was tough to get them down, but I was glad I did. Although, part of me thinks that if my body doesn’t want it maybe I should just skip it. I don't know.
Food Cravings: Lots of eggs this week! So so so glad eggs are back on the menu, I missed them!
Exercise: Friday Fitness #64
Mood: Pretty even keel this week, thank goodness!
Maternity Clothes: I bought a graphic tee from stitch fix, you can check out my entire maternity stitch fix box on my IG profile under pregnancy highlights. Then my friend and I went to fashion square and got a TON of stuff. I’m so glad she was with me. I walked into the huge maternity section they have at Macy’s there and was like they have NOTHING let’s just go. Luckily my friend wasn’t taking no for an answer and started pulling things off the shelf to try on. I ended up buying a bunch of stuff thanks to her, and I’m feeling a lot better about my summer wardrobe!
Reading: Still trying to finish principles by Ray Dalio. Then maybe I’ll start on the baby books. I’m never sure when it’s too early?
Buying: We bought a ton of decorations for the house at the goodwill in Scottsdale. (I’m all about saving money on house decorations! Two things I will willingly enter a thrift store for: unique blog decorations and house decorations.)
Looking forward too: Announcing the gender! It’s been a hard secret to keep, and some of our family and friends already know because we accidentally gave it away.
Week 17
We announced baby's gender this week! It was fun to record some of our initial reactions and to announce finally! A part of me is still worried that the tech at 15.5 weeks was wrong, but then again, like someone commented it's hard to miss a boy part at 15 weeks. If you see it, you see it. So, hopefully, we are confirmed at our 19-week ultrasound!
Baby Size: Pomegranate or onion, depending on which ap you look at!
Symptoms: This week was interesting, to say the least! My energy was up and down, and so was my morning sickness. Some days I was okay, and other days I needed to sleep 12+ hours. The worst thing this week was the round ligament pain. Which to me feels like a cross between constipation and my pelvis getting ripped apart. I've never heard anyone talk about that before so it was terrifying, but the doctor's office said just to take it easy. So workouts Wednesday - Sunday were virtually nonexistent.
I've also been itchy, actually for the last couple weeks, especially the belly! Speaking of the belly, I might have felt our little guy kick? Well, at least that was what I thought, now I realize the feelings where too high up to be the baby? It felt like popcorn going off in my stomach but higher than my belly button so NO idea? They did say I have an anterior placenta, so it's normal to take a little longer to feel the baby? No idea, but I haven't felt it since so I don't know what to think. #FTM
Currently Missing: Traveling. People keep asking me where we will do our babymoon, which makes me a little sad because we won't. I don't want my SI/tailbone issues to flare and make me miserable the rest of the pregnancy when I can't take medication, so to be safe, I won't be traveling. It sucks, but I keep reminding myself it's a very temporary thing. A well worth it sacrifice to meet our little one, in my eyes!
Sleep: Mostly going okay. Still getting up to pee between 2-5 am, but other than that the Unisom is still doing its job.
Food Aversions: Ugh. So many things, still. But, mostly all meat. It's unfortunate, I want to want meat but no matter how I try and get it down I just can't. It's very offensive to me. This week, eating was just a struggle. I'd get nauseous every 3-4 hours, which of course means I'm hungry, but means I don't want to eat much. It isn't as bad as the first trimester, but I thought the aversions would be gone by now. There is tolerable food right now, but nothing tastes GREAT.
Food Cravings: In and Out and Red Baron French Bread Pizza. Other than that my usual staples are trail mix energy balls, yogurt with some sort of nut butter, toast, and cottage cheese.
Exercise: Friday Fitness #65
Mood: A little anxious about the round ligament pain and how to modify my workouts. Other than that pretty even keel!
Reading: Nothing new
Buying: Nothing yet, I am working on that registry though. I also went to Target to check out some jogging strollers, but they didn't have a great high-end selection. I feel like since the jogging stroller will be our main stroller, it's something I'm probably going to use daily for quite some time. Therefore, I want it to last as long as possible. If you have recommendations for one, I'd love to hear them. If you have any suggestions for anything, I'd love to hear them!
Looking forward too: Definitely the 19 week ultrasound! I can't wait to see our little one again!
Karly Foret says
So much I can relate too. Sorry you are still dealing with the food aversions. I sure hope they go away sooner than later! Are you supplementing for protein at all? Just wondering, I know my protein intake is defiantly not what it used to be but I feel Im getting enough.
Im very curious about the jogging strollers also. There are so many to choose from.
Im far out from a shower but I did start a private registry on amazon & Target that way when I see or hear of something I feel will be useful I can simply add it. I can always go back later and remove any access items!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Hey girl! I'm not supplementing with protein, because I also feel like I'm getting at enough. I read that too much protein in pregnancy can be harmful to babies. They didn't say why, but from my knowledge as an RD, my guess is because their kidneys are just starting to function? But obviously, you need enough to grow that baby and keep your muscle/bone health up. I eat a lot of Greek yogurts, cottage cheese, and string cheese lol I may start adding collagen back into my iced coffees though, I mainly haven't done it because I'm too lazy to heat a small amount of water up to dissolve the collagen then pour it in my iced coffee. My registry are private also, I feel like you have to start now, there is so much to think about! Most of my friends are doing both target and Amazon but right now I only have Amazon up. the thing about that is the return policy on Amazon is terrible, that's my BIGGEST concern. Like what if someone buys you a bassinet and it comes from Amazon with missing pieces but you can't return it because it's after the 30-day mark? UGH so much to think about!
Karly Foret says
you are so right about the Amazon return policy. I didn't even think of that. Guess I can use Target for big items or items that may possible need to be returned or exchanged and Amazon for things I wouldn't consider returning!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
That's what I was thinking too! I didn't think of that either until I was reading a review about the halo bassinet on Amazon and someone said there was a MISSING PIECE and they couldn't do anything about it because the item was bought on their registry over 30-day mark ago. I was like OMG! ha ha
Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious says
I could not deal with the eating issues. It would make me nuts. You are a rockstar.
Sarah @ Bucket List Tummy says
I knew it was a boy! I loved when baby was the size of an avocado, it's a fun week. And pregnancy sleep was never good for me.