Hi out there! I'll be sure and try and recap the detox meals I don't post in a little recap this weekend, in the mean time I downed this mornings delicious shake!
- Unsweetened Vanilla Cashew Milk
- 2 Scoops VeganMax
- 1 Scoop Fibermend
- 1 Scoop Espresso Dynamic Greens
- Big Handful of Spinach
- Ice
It's the perfect treat post Hot Yoga, although it made me a little cold, so I followed up with a cup of dandy blend.
One thing I was thinking about this morning during yoga is how important it is to vary your food choices in every category from vegetables, fruits, proteins, nuts/seeds, etc... How often do we use the same things over and over and over again? For me, I could live off of eggs, peanut butter, and bananas. Detox has been the perfect opportunity for me to add variety despite the restrictions on gluten, corn, eggs, dairy and added sugar. Rotating different kinds of nut butters and milks instead of just almond. I've also been trying to get in as many different color vegetables per day as possible. Why?
- Decreased Inflammation
Everyone produces some inflammation or immune response to every type of food, it just happens to be that levels vary widely in how each person responds to specific foods. One theory is that constantly eating the same food each day can lead to a hyperresponsive immune system in relation to that food, which increases inflammation.
- Optimal Nutrition
Each food color, type, texture and so forth has it's own set of unique nutritious properties to it. (ex. walnuts have more Omega 3's, where as almonds more monounsaturated fats and fiber) Variety ensures you will constantly be getting a variety of nutrients. Furthermore, if inflammation is decreased in the body then optimal absorption can take place, even further enhancing nutrition status!
Question of the day? Do you try to rotate through a variety of foods or keep with the same ones?
What's something new you've tried recently to incorporate variety into your diet?
Some things I've tried recently include: Veganmax Protein Powder, Nutzo, Walnuts, and Cashew Milk
[…] of the normal ones. They are a couple dollars more expensive, but it’s just my way of trying to get more variety and produce colors in my diet, you could use the normal orange ones if you […]