Hi Friends! How was your weekend? Mine was fun! On Saturday I woke up early enough to get a quick workout in which was a shortened version of this workout. I shortened it because I wanted to swim but then I decided to try out the sauna instead.
I usually go into the steam room but I've never been in the sauna before. It felt really good, nice and relaxing, but I could only stay in 8 minutes before my ears started burning from the heat. Guess I have to work my way up to longer?
For breakfast I had a non fat 100 calorie vanilla chobani yogurt with sun butter and a protein bar.
I did a supplement booth all morning till around 1pm when I decided to take a break and get that swim in. I did 500 meters easy and then 5 sets of a 50 meter sprint, 50 meter recovery, 15 second rest. It was a good swim followed by 10 minutes in the hot tub and then lunch.
Totally forgot to take a picture of lunch but it was leftover chicken sausage, brussel sprout mix from dinner the other night. After work and church I rushed to get my hair done only to find out that my appointment was at 615, not 530, so I was super early. The good news about that was I got to pick up a salad for dinner instead of eating a KIND bar.
I left with my hair wet and rushed home so I could see the family that just got in from Cali! They are going to be here with us till past the New Year which is so so so exciting, we've definitely missed them since they moved.
Sunday morning we slept in till a little later than normal (recently I've made it a point not to work out on Sundays) and then got ready for Lizzie's Graduation party. One thing I always coach my clients to do before a party is have a good breakfast and not go to a party hungry. So, I made sure I started the day the most filling way possible with scrambled eggs and paleo cinnamon raisin bread!
The menu was deliciously planned and executed (except for my help troubleshooting a batch of hummus) by Mama Shallal and Lizze (my SIL). Veggie tray, mini beef sausages, croissant sandwiches, peanut butter yogurt dip, hummus, pumpkin bread, and cinnamon cake.
I kind of grazed all day long, starting with two mini plates full of veggies. Probably the most raw veggies other than salad and carrots I've ate in a long time!
Followed by a mini plate or two of sausages, meat, and cheese.
For dessert I had the peanut butter yogurt dip and pumpkin bread before ditching the party a little early (at my own house, lame I know) to study some. Still working away at the NASM CPT cert. but I'm thinking about pushing the test back so that I can spend some time with the family without stressing while they are here.
Later Sunday evening we dug into shrimp cocktail for dinner and I also had a non fat vanilla yogurt and coconut peanut butter. Okay and a few jelly beans along with my nightly piece of dark chocolate.
Congratulations Lizze for graduating!
Thoughts on Holiday Treats
Up until now it's been easy to avoid the holiday treats, but now that the family is here I feel like the holiday indulgence is in full swing. This year I won't just be able to "run" off my extra indulgences because of my fun pelvic instability I'm still in Physical Therapy for. Besides, I don't really like the idea of equating exercise to treat balance. I actually truly believe you can balance your diet without vigorously exercising at all (not to say that you shouldn't exercise hard some days, there are benefits to that if appropriate). My plan is to keep up with weight lifting, physical therapy, and regular healthy meals that are packed with veggies, proteins and healthy fats. I usually coach my clients to pick the treats that mean the most to them, that are special for that time of year and leave anything available year around. So that's what I'll be working on! Things like Mama Shallal's pumpkin bread is a must for me and crackers, store bought cookies, etc are not. I'll probably lay off of the Jelly Bellies and dark chocolate at night too since there will be treats throughout the day.
Questions of the day:
Do you prefer the steam room or sauna?
Do you think I should push back the certification?
How do you balance holiday treats?
Dietitian Jess says
Interested to hear your thought on the NASM cert! What made you pick it over other certs and do you plan to incorporate nutrition and fitness to clients together? It's something I've always thought about doing and I'm starting to actually have the time to do it so I'm doing some research! If you get the time over the holidays, would love to chat with you about it- email me at dietitianjessnutrition@gmail.com 🙂
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Hey girly! I'll definitely email you by the end of the week!