Wow - it's been a crazy first week in the new home, but I'm so happy to be here. Mr. Hungry & I were just saying how we don't miss the old house AT ALL. This morning I met a guy with a 2-year-old Ridgeback and 5-month-old Ridgeback who lives down the street with his wife. I see potential playdates in the future for little miss Nala!
- Friday - (8/19) Orange Theory
- Saturday (8/20) - Moving - I think I got 15000 steps just moving
- Sunday (8/21) - Moving - I had planned to workout but the need to unpack and clean and organize was just too much
- Monday (8/22) - Orange Theory
- Tuesday (8/23) - Abs & Cardio Week 6 BBG
- Wednesday (8/24)- OFF - Chiro Appointment
- Thursday(8/25) - Orange Theory
Yesterday was the row to run challenge. Quarter mile run followed by a quarter mile row, four times. I subbed the bike for the first and the third row since my back doesn't do well with rowing. The coaches by my new house are GREAT. The coach on Thursday shared with me a little bit about his past back injury (and he is younger than me) so that always makes me feel 100 times better to know I'm not the only one out there working with issues like that. (If you are curious about workout times I've tried, check out this post)
+ Nala and I started going on walks again on Wednesday, exploring the neighborhood!
I did a terrible job of recording my meals this week, didn't even get a whole day going but I basically ate breakfast food all week!
I made my beloved tortilla quiche - I shared on IG stories but didn't save the photo. I made the recipe in a giant 9 x 13 casserole dish by adding .25 cup more egg whites, 1 more tortilla, and 2 more eggs but followed the same directions! I ate it for lunch almost every day and breakfast this morning.
I also made my chicken apple sausage and brussel sprout skillet, one of Mr. Hungry's favorites!
I ate the loaded peanut butter oatmeal every day for pretty much two weeks straight, I'm obsessed!
I never got a chance to share because I was out of town when our Butcher Box came (here is the post I wrote about Butcher Box). Last month was the first month I decided to try something other than red meat. We got the pork and chicken box which came with chicken breasts, chicken thighs, pork chops, pork ribs, and uncured bacon. I'm not usually a big fan of buying organic free range chicken because the term "free range" isn't controlled and can mean a million different things. But, we've been so disappointed in the chicken from Sprouts we decided to try it, plus I actually trust the commitment and integrity of Butcher Box. If they say free range, I picture chickens doing just that. The verdict? The chicken was AMAZING!!!!! I'll be using it in a few recipes next week and next month's box is set to chicken and beef. (We haven't tried the pork yet but I know I'll be out of beef by then.)
And my latest TJ's obsession, I'll take 15 cases thank you!
Friday Favorites
I love these little coasters we ordered from Amazon and unlike the other million orders I have to send back, we are keeping these. So much easier to order then return, ha ha just like calories.
Link Love
- Recipe Round Ups: Weight Watchers Lunch Recipes|Football Game Recipes| What Dietitians Eat For Breakfast| 21 High Protein Breakfast Recipes | 25 Autumn slow cooker recipes | 18 ways to get more greens
- Recipes I want to try: Shrimp & Grit Pancakes & Meal Prep Almond Flour Pancakes
- I think this would be true with all nuts but still cool - Walnuts for Weight Loss
- reasons to include more plants in your diet! Plant Based diets for athletes
- ha ha #truth - Why hangry is real
- Why Reverse Dieting is the key to weight loss maintenance - we were just talking about this amongst the DTFN coaches
- The Dangers of Clean Eating - I agree with everything this article says.
- I'm planning my response next week, but some of my RD blogger friends have already responded to What is Health. In the mean time, I'll leave you with Youtuber Abby Langer's Thoughts and 5 better nutrition resources from Kath Eats Real Food. They are pretty in line with my thoughts about this film. Granted I've only been able to get through the first 20 minutes before rage took over my body and I had to turn it off. But still. I'm going to get through the whole thing, for you guys. Pray, I don't put a hole in the TV during that process. says
So great that you are loving your new home, and have potential play dates! So great, I never had neighbors, and still don't, growing up and always wished i could have had kids to play with on the street.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
LOL these are play dates for NALA the pup! ha ha I've been told multiple times there are no young kids on the street- I think they are warning me or something so I don't know that my future children will have any but at least the dog will!
Susie @ Suzlyfe says
Looking forward to your version of thoughts on Health (if you can get through your response before rage overtakes you!)
Patricia @Sweet and Strong says
omg please finish "What the Health" so we can rage together. I'm not even a nutritionist or dietician and the film enraged me in that it totally shows one side and makes non scientific based statements.
But yay for getting moved in and getting used to a new neighborhood, that's so excited! Happy Weekend.
Emily @ Pizza & Pull-ups says
I love the Tj's sparkling water, I will have to look for that flavor. I have not watched "What the Health" but from the comments sounds pretty bad. Hope you have a great weekend!