Happy Friday! Man, it's been a fast week, I can't believe Friday is here already! This week was much better in terms of not being as injured and since I decided to let it be enough. Hope you enjoy today's Friday fitness and favorites round up!
Friday Fitness Recap
After last week's stupid foot issue which put me out of commission it felt great to be back this week! Lot's of walks with Nala again!
Saturday - Ran with Nala
Monday- Chiropractor
Tuesday- Ran 3.8 Miles with Nala
Wednesday- Spin Class
Thursday- OFF
My shoulder has been feeling better too, which I'm so happy about. I' hoping by Monday I can start lifting a little bit again!
Friday Favorites
A boatload of fresh spring organic produce from Melissa's Organic Produce!
I finished a jar of Maranatha's Almond Butter in a week, thanks to a Sprouts Sale. I don't even have any pictures, that is how quickly it went. Now I'm on to cashew butter - hopefully with some portion control this week!
I love my new spiralizer. Great recommendation from DTFN! (Here is the affiliate link.) What I actually love most about it is that it's compact and stores in a drawer easily. #simple #minimalism
Also my favorite person this week is my dietetic intern! Dietetic interns rock. Okay well, technically, I've only every had two, one at Life Time and one now. She is working really had and getting all the Newsletter freebies lined up for you guys this summer and so far they look great!
Favorite Articles
- 50 Lifestyle Tips for Diabetics from Dietitians
- For bloggers: Ad Networks breakdown
- For Anyone - this woman has worn the same outfit for a year straight! | Dream Kitchen Must Haves
- Just A Pinch Blog - National Garlic Day
Favorite Recipe Round-Ups
- Ultimate List of Healthy Smoothies | Delicious Asparagus Recipes |How to Eat More Vegetables | Non-Egg Breakfast Options from Dietitians | Hard boiled eggs recipes |Healthy Mothers Day Brunch Recipes | Spring Brunch Recipes #photographygoals - I read this site just to stare at the photo
Favorite Adulting Tips
Also if you are looking for some beginner information regarding finances these articles might help you out. These were sent to me by the blogger who wrote them and typically I don't take link requests (so spammy) but I recently listened to Tony Robbin's book Unshakeable on audible (here are my audible & Podcast recommendations). I learned so much that I think everyone should learn, but it was so so so boring at times. That's what I decided to share these links, start educating yourself slowly, it's one of the best things you can do!
- How to chose the right home mortgage for you |Retirement contributing timing | home value drop |compound interest
Speaking of Podcats - just finished S-Town - OMG SO GOOD/SAD/ENLIGHTENING/CRAZY so many words but I wish the story wasn't over.
I was scared to realize how much all of these resonated with me!
OH AND LASTLY! IT'S FRIDAY so that is my favorite in itself. This weekend I've got a grocery store tour on Saturday and then I'm free the rest of the weekend! For local friends, the grocery store tour is free and will be at the Albertson's in Gilbert (Gilbert--861 E Warner Rd.) - here is a summary of the tour.
Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious says
You took a spin class? I need to hear about this!
Patrick@looneyforfood.com says
Great recap! always good stuff!
carrie this fit chick says
I love quick bodyweight circuits. That one looks killer! Going to take look at these recipe round-ups!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
It's all I can do right now- got to stay off my shoulder but I really don't mind!
Susie @ Suzlyfe says
Love hearing that your shoulder is better! WOOHOOOO
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
It's getting there, I can lift but I can raise my arms above my head #progress
Emily @ Pizza & Pull-ups says
These look like some killer, quick workouts! Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a nice weekend!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
you got it girl!
GiGi Eats says
That article about the woman who wore the same outfit for a year... Er, um...... She is pretty much my twin cause um, that's kinda, sorta, totally what I do! hahahaha!