Hi Friends! So earlier this week I made a few goals for myself, one of them included getting my blog posts up earlier every day in December so that those of you on the east coast actually read them before 1 pm. But, tell God your plans and hear him laugh right? Truth be told, I prioritize sleep over everything in my life these days, but there is always Monday to crush the earlier posts goal right? One of the reasons I'm prioritizing sleep is because I've started more intensive care at my chiropractor for my back, I've backed off on exercise because, everything, even the core rehab moves seem to make things worse. My other hip even started to act up. #fallingapart Well, at least I felt that way until Mr. Hungry sent me this article. I'm not a wrestling fan but man was his story JUST what I needed to hear. It reminds me that my back/hip issues are NOTHING compared to what some people have been able to overcome. I highly recommend spending some time this Friday to read it, I guarantee it will inspire you. So since fitness consists of stretching and trips to the chiro let's just skip on down to food shall we?
I kind of recorded yesterday's eats for you but I'm not gonna lie, I didn't do that good but here we go! I started the day with coffee, 1 scoop collagencollagen, and 1 tablespoon half and half.
Around 9 am I had breakfast of acorn squash, filled with breakfast sausage from, arugula, primal kitchen green goddess dressing(my newest favorite, I order it from Amazon) and sauerkraut.
Around 12 pm I had a seed cycling energy ball before meeting with a client.
After meeting with my client I had broccoli mixed with 1 egg, ⅓ cup egg whites, 2 slices ham, and 1 tablespoon parmesan. I had another seed cycling ball after lunch.
Around 2 pm I had some coconut chai green tea. coconut chai green tea.
Around 4 pm I had a peanut butter mug cake.
For dinner, I had a salmon salad recipe which will be coming to the blog soon!
Some calcium chew gummies for dessert!
It seems this week was FULL of inspiration coming at me in every direction. The universe or holy spirit, whatever you believe, was really working overtime to share with me stories that inspire.
In case you missed my spiel about how great this video is on Wednesday, here it is again!
I watched the video above 2 or 3 times, the one below I watched almost five times. I was trying to memorize the story he tells in it that really helped me gain a lot of perspective on how we perceive the things that happen to us.
Have a great weekend friends!
Emily @ Pizza & Pull-Ups says
Hope the chiropractic work helps and you are feeling good again soon. Have a nice weekend.
Patricia @Sweet and Strong says
OH no, hope your back is getting better and the chiropractor can help. And so many yummy eats yesterday. Salmon salads are one of my favs.
Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious says
See you tomorrow!