Happy Friday, friends! Today started with a breakfast sandwich thief annihilating my Starbucks breakfast sandwich! Luckily, Mr. Hungry was nice enough to give me his. Poor Mr. Hungry, a low man on the totem pole behind toddlers and a pregnant wife, somehow I think he will survive, though!
I have a horrendous cough that sounds like death, but otherwise, I think we are getting over this round of mystery preschool virus and on to the next. I'm starting to think about if I want to pull KJ out of school the last month to avoid us all being sick when I go into labor with Baby girl, but it seems to mean not to let him finish. Moms, if you have thoughts on this, I'm all ears! What have you guys done?
This weekend the boys have a sports class at the rec center. They are outside the age range to be in class together, so one will have class followed by the other. We will see how that goes, haha! And in other boring mom/kid news, I moved KJs swim lesson time so that KK can stay with our babysitter while KJ is in class. I feel a little guilty about using the babysitter for that (instead of work time, so I plan to bring my computer and work while KJ is in the lesson) Either way, though, I'm definitely getting too pregnant to handle entertaining a toddler while getting KJ into the swim. Mr. Hungry laughed when I got home the last time and told him it was too much, saying, "he wondered when that was gonna happen." Some of that was because of my umbilical hernia, which I'm happy to say is feeling a lot better thanks to magic maker Dr. Khavari at Trimotus. But some of it is being a hot, sweaty pregnant mess, and it's not even hot out yet, haha.
Mr. Hungry doesn't have off on Monday, and with classes starting next week, I can't really take off the day either, so there is no three-day weekend for us, business as usual over here! But, for those of you who have a nice three-day weekend to look forward to (whether forced because the schools are off or not), I hope you have fun! I'm off to grab KJ from preschool as soon as I press publish!
New Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plan Addition
I added a new dairy-free version of my popular anti-inflammatory meal plan to my instant download section! Since only my loyal readers read my Friday Favorites, I figured I'd share a little discount code! You can use the code HHFFFF2023 for 50% off either plan!
- Original Plan
- Dairy-Free Plans
(Both plans are gluten-free or have easy gluten-free modifications.)
WTE? Meal Plans
As always, your WTE? Meal Plan is in your inbox if you are a subscriber!
(Email subscribers click through to finish reading this post!)
Friday Favorites
More Training - Leaky Gut!
I finished a Master Class instructed by the Vojandi's (father and son) of Cyrex Laboratories about GI permeability, inflammation, and autoimmune conditions with over 15 hours of total training. Dr. Aristo Vojandi is THE inventor of food sensitivity testing and has published over 170 research studies to date. He's arguably one of the most knowledgeable researchers on the planet regarding autoimmune conditions, inflammation, and GI health. And a fun fact, he now teaches at Loma Linda University, where I got my graduate degree. To reinforce the concepts covered in training and expand my knowledge, I'm now working my way through a textbook.
As many of you know, I've been using food sensitivity testing for many years with great results, but I heavily screen my clients to make sure they will get a benefit. The knowledge I gained will help me screen clients for leaky gut or GI permeability and have the ability to track intestinal integrity as we progress through treatment protocols (which sometimes include food sensitivity testing and sometimes not) for all my clients, not just autoimmune clients. I'm very excited about it. I will share more information soon!
Word of Mouth Grill & Avatar
For Mr. Hungry's birthday last weekend, we went out for dinner and a movie while Mr. Hungry's parents watched the kids! For dinner, we went to Word of Mouth Grill, which, if you are from Phoenix and haven't been there yet, you definitely need to try it! We got there during happy hour, and for four dollars, we each got two drumsticks for an appetizer! We thought they would be like wings drumsticks, but they were FULL drumsticks. I got mine in the habanero sauce, which was DELICIOUS!
I also got andouille sausage which was delicious as well!
Here is a super flattering picture of me mid-chew Mr. Hungry snapped to send to his parents. Also, don't hate on me for showing you half-eaten drumsticks (vegetarian friends look away!), I had to share to show you that if you want a proper barbecue feast, you have to check this place out. Not a lot of vegetables on the menu though, unless you count coleslaw or sweet potato fries haha
Friday Fitness
One day a week of lower body workouts, unweighted and walking right now! Hoping with some of the retraining exercises Dr. K gave me I can ramp that up a little bit more!
Friday Flashbacks
You do not want to miss the pb syrup in this post, I promise you do not want to miss it!
Great for those trying out seed cycling to balance their hormones!
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