Hi Friends! Happy Friday! How did your week go? Mine was crazy per usual but none of that matters because it's Friday and I'm almost free!
Disclaimer: I do my best to record most of what I eat throughout the week to showcase here at Hungry Hobby, however, not everything I eat makes it onto my weekly or daily posts. I intend for these posts to give an idea of what I eat on a daily basis but they may not be all inclusive. Please remember this is only what works for me, in my private practice I encourage intuitive eating. I encourage you to listen to your body and eat in a way that makes you feel your healthiest and best! If you are interested in working with me please use the contact form here.
I know I usually do the daily post thing, but last night as I was looking at my eats from last week I couldn't really figure out what days were what meal. It wasn't quite the snackfest from last week but it just made more sense to organize it this way this week. Probably the red wine clouding my judgement.....
Breakfast Eats
- BLT Quiche (Recipe coming soon)
- Cottage Cheese, Blueberries, Quinoa Granola and Honey
- Starbucks Iced Venti Americano and Egg White and Turkey Bacon Salad
- Greek Yogurt, Fruit and Quinoa Granola
- Chicken and Goat Cheese Strawberry Salad x 2days
- Stir Fry and Shrimp (I hate to say this sloppy looking mess is the same as the Spicy Farmbox Stir Fry I posted earlier this week, iphone and office lighting didn't do it any justice. I don't care though because it still tasted AMAZING!)
- Quest Bar and Snacks
- blueberries, granola, and almond butter warmed up
- blurry banana
- carrots and laughing cow
- popcorn
- quest bars
- tomato and grassfed cheese
- scrambled eggs and microgreens from the farmbox
- green smoothies (usual= 1T PB, big handful of spinach, 1 cup almond milk, ice, frozen banana, 1 scoop chocolate Formulx recovery protein powder <---affiliate link)
- Mahi burger salads
- Peanut Butter, Dark Chocolate and Wine---> some days you just have to
Last week I attempted to switch back into my stability shoes for my weekend run with Mr. Hungry, turns out that was a major fail. Monday my knee was aching really bad so I switched up my workout and focused on my upper body and core. On Tuesday I iced it all day and thought I was good to go for Orange Theory, but that was also a major fail. By Tuesday night my knee was throbbing and aching so bad I could barely sleep. By the time I got in to see the Physical Therapist on Wednesday I was okay again after icing all day but he totally freaked me out. He said, could be a stress fracture or tendonitis they present the same way. How would I know? I really wouldn't without rest. So that's what I did, I rested the whole rest of the week even though it never really flared up again I didn't want to chance it. My hunch is that it had to do with switching into the stability shoes because my four mile run last weekend went fine. Plus, I've had this same aching feeling in my knees since I was little and my parents use to say it was "growing pains." I think the combo of the old shoes and new workouts (like Orange Theory) aggravated it. So far this week has gone fine and I have plans to go back to Orange Theory tonight, hopefully it goes well! My plans are to start increasing my mileage slowly being careful to listen to my body and take rest days when I need them. That being said, as I increase my mileage I think I need to work in being able to ice susceptible problem areas like knees and hips after ever run. Return of the ice bath?
Sunday- 4.9 mile run with Mr. Hungry
Monday- Upper Body/Core
Tuesday- Orange Theory
Wednesday- Physical Therapy
Thursday- Rest
Friday- Rest
Saturday- Hot Yoga
Have a fantastic weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cassie says
I had berry/goat cheese salad every day this week... once with chicken and the rest with salmon. so good! Also dying for that BLT quiche recipe!