Just an FYI - the winners of the Lucky Vitamin giveaway have been emailed - if you didn't win stay tuned because my blogiversary giveaway is coming up and I've lined up some pretty cool stuff for you guys!
It's been a weird week y'all and a fast one. My special project is almost done, but that means this weekend is a work weekend instead of a summer margarita fun weekend. I'm looking forward to more summer margarita fun weekends and fewer work weekends after this project is done. I don't strive for balance every day, but I strive through balance within the seasons. Maybe I have a heavy work month where I'm not spending as much time with the babe and Mr. Hungry, so the next month I scale back a little from baseline normal, it all evens out in the end.
Instagram Live
If you missed my Instagram live where I answered questions all about my journey with health and you can watch it below!
I haven't had much in the way of favorites for the last few weeks, but I've got some now!
I've had so many questions about the bug band I was wearing on one of my IG stories. Most of you want to know if they work and where you can get them. I think they work just about as well as any repellant, decent but not 100%. I don't like spraying the chemicals directly on my skin, so I like the band option. I often place the band back in a ziplock bag and use it until I can't smell the repellant on it anymore. These are similar to the ones I have.
Cara to the rescue again! She recommended these plastic diaper pants to me after I wrote my review of her Taking Cara Babies sleep programs, she said another mom said they "saved her." You guys, they saved me too! Little man eats when he wakes up from his second nap, has a big bottle before bed, and a dream feed so he gets a lot of liquid and that liquid has to go somewhere. We were having leaks through his sposie pad and Huggies overnights 5-6 days a week (so basically all week) that caused him to wake around 330-4am, it was a nightmare. These have saved us! We've used them for two weeks now and no more leaks! They are machine washable and dryer friendly (although I did dry one of them to try it, I leave them out to dry because that kind of material in the dryer makes me a tad nervous.)
Guess who took pictures of some of their meals this week? I know, it's a miracle.
Freezer steel cut oats before it got too hot for oatmeal, I can't believe we made it to June! The weather in AZ has been unbelievable.
Once it got too hot for oatmeal, smoothies too the breakfast rescue! I make one and sip on it why I feed little man, which is honestly so much easier than trying to eat anything with grabby little hands nearby or starving till he goes down for his first nap. I've been loving these cacao smoothies from smoothie box <--affiliate link - use code Summer10 to get $10 bucks off your first two months.
I inhaled taco salads with TJ's guacamole, TJ's pepita salsa, and TJ's plantain chips all week. God I love Trader Joe's, I feel for you that don't live near one (that used to be me.)
I made these chia puddings to eat for breakfast but ended up eating them for a snack. Recipe related to my uber secret special project but coming soon! (See dark chocolate chia pudding to get you chia pudding fix in the meantime.)
And just so you don't think it's all sunshine and blogtastic meals over here, dinners were a disaster. One day I even skipped dinner (for the first time probably ever) because I was too tired to cook and not that hungry. I think another night a platter full of deli meat, carrots and hummus was dinner. I'll do better this week! Hoping to cook some recipes that I loaded into this week's WTE? Meal Plans because they all require less than 20 minutes of hands-on work.
Here is a preview of this weeks plan:
It's been a weird week for fitness, running has been a go-to, and since I'm scaling back, it's been weird. I'm still having that odd shocking pain in my shin, so I made an appointment with Dr. K to see what was up. He added a lift to my orthotic, did some soft tissue work, cupping, and needling to get the blood flow. He said to give it 72 hours to let the treatment work, so I'll be sticking to core, and upper body work for a few days.
Friday (5/31)
3 rounds each
set 1:
- Single Leg RDL x 8 each (#30)
- Arnold Press x 8 (#40)
Set 2:
- Chest Press x 5-8
- Pullover 8 -12 (#25)
- BW Glute Bridges x 12
Set 3
- Thrusters x 12 (#30, #24, #24)
- Hammer curls x 8 (#40)
- Tricep kickbacks x 12 (#24)
Saturday (6/1) - HIIT Workout that left me drenched in sweat!
45/15 of each exercise
2 sets
- weighted wall sit
- touchdowns
rest 1 min
2 sets
- slow push-up
- plank dumbbell pull through
rest 1 min
2 sets
- Lateral to front raise (T's)
- resistance band lat pulldowns
rest 1 min
2 sets
- Leg Lifts
- Burpees
1 minute
Repeat the entire thing
Sunday (6/2) - OFF
Monday (6/3) - 2.5-mile run
Tuesday (6/4)
3 rounds of each
set 1:
- Incline chest press (35% incline) x 10-12 (50#)
- Single Arm Row #25 10-12 each
set 2:
- EZ Bar Row x 10 (#40)
- BC to Arnold Press (#30)
Set 3:
- Dumbbell cleans (#30) x 12
- Plate front raise to overhead tricep extension x 12
Set 4
- Resistance Band lat pulldowns
- Resistance Band underhand pulldowns
Wednesday (6/5)
I did 4 rounds at one minute each for each exercise. Then, because I felt like I couldn't make it through the minute without needing significant rest, I did 2 additional rounds at 30 seconds each. I was pouring sweat at the end!
- Alternating reverse lunge with plate crossover
- push ups
- bicycles
- sumo squat to upright row
Thursday (6/6) - off/Trimotus
Friday Flashback
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