And tomorrow is my due date... I know they always say first babies are late but I never actually thought that would happen. I know, that's dumb. Patience is not my strong suite AT ALL. My doctor said "you can't go over 41 weeks" so at least next Friday is the deadline. Current status: going for lots of walks, eating a lot of pineapple and dates, and trying to be patient (easier said than done.)
Next weeks posts will be sporadic, I don't have a lot planned because I honestly thought I would be on maternity leave. I'm going to try and keep posting at least the beginning of the week, check Instagram Stories for baby updates!
Friday Fitness
I'm at two walks a day plus a few squats and stretching. This morning I power walked like my life depended on it! Trying to get to 10K + steps a day as the goal!
Friday Food
I've been loving these smoothies from Smoothiebox that were sent to me to try out! I've only tried the super green smoothie because it has all the labor inducers like pineapple and dates in it already! It's also filled with greens and avocado for extra nutrients. I love that the smoothies are macro balanced, high protein, moderate carbs, a little healthy fat. Just like I make meals for my What to Eat? Meal Plans!
The smoothies have been total lifesavers when I'm not feeling up to cooking or feeling like I haven't gotten in enough nutrients that day. PS in case you didn't know Smoothiebox is owned by one of my other favorite companies, Butcher Box.
Other things I've tried in the spirit of inducing labor include spicy Thai food from Thailicious - I always get drunken noodles with tofu, but I got them HOT this time!
And we even tried jalapeno poppers from Safeway, sadly the jalapenos were not very hot at all.
I eat spicy food pretty regularly throughout my pregnancy so I don't really expect it to work, but I figure it can't hurt!
Another thing we've been enjoying are Trader Joe's premade meals, one of our favorites we tried recently was their frozen mash potatoes, steam in the bag broccoli, and turkey meatloaf. So easy and SO delicious!
Mr. Hungry also surprised me with donuts from Donut Parlor yesterday morning which he picked up on his way home from basketball!
A friend and I walked around the mall yesterday and ventured into the See's candy store which, believe it or not, I'd never been in. I actually kind of found the experience overwhelming, too many choices for preggo. BUT, I did get some yummy treats!
Friday Favorites
Around the web:
- Dairy-Free Chicken Recipes
- Ultimate Guide to Gourmet Deviled Eggs
- Knock Your Socks Off Healthy Pasta Dishes
- Picky Eating In Adults
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